Three Fitness Trackers With Smart Watch Notifications


You don’t have to wear a piece of tech on your wrist that just tracks your steps. Over the past 18 months Fitness trackers have come on leaps and bounds in terms of additional features which means you don’t have to stump up big bucks for an Apple Watch just to wear it to the gym and still get email notification. This guest post from Jason Oh covers 3 great fitness watches that are smart too.

Three Fitness trackers With Smart Watch Notifications
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Whilst getting fit and healthy is far from easy, one thing we can all agree on, is the fact that, with the right equipment and accessories, getting fitter and healthier can be made much easier. Modern technology is advancing at an astonishing rate and it is showing no signs of letting up any time soon, and whilst some people may be apprehensive, many people are embracing the wonders of modern technology, and are benefiting hugely.

Fitness trackers equipped with smart technology for example, are currently more popular than ever, and when you consider just how many different trackers there are currently available, and what they have to offer, you can instantly understand why that is. If you”re struggling to get in shape, or if you’d simply like to take your workouts to the next level, a fitness tracker with smart watch notifications could be exactly what you need. Here”s a look at three of the most popular products currently on the market.

FitBit Blaze*

First on our list we have the FitBit Blaze. FitBit are synonymous with health and fitness as of late, and this fantastic activity tracker only helps to solidify this very fact. For anybody looking to actively improve their health and fitness levels, this tracker is ideal. The device has the ability to track steps, it can calculate calories burned, it can log how many floors have been climbed, it can track distance, it can provide a breakdown of how many minutes the user has been active for, and much more besides.

What”s more, the smart watch has a GPS function so that you can see running stats and can map and calculate your routes. But you will need to connect to the ConnectedGPS App feature. There is a multiĀ­sport tracking feature, a heart rate monitor, and numerous smart watch functions, including the ability to be able to: receive SMS text, calendar, and call alerts. The device looks just like a stylish watch, and it is ideal for anybody with an avid interest in health and fitness.

Garmin Vivosmart HR*

Up next we have the Garmin Vivosmart HR. This fitness tracker is a wearable wristband that can track the user”s heart rate, during the day and the night, and can provide a very accurate reading as a result. What”s more, it really is SMART in every sense of the word, as the device has the ability to learn your activity levels on average, where it can then provide you with personalised fitness goals and targets, I.E target steps to be taken, calories to be burned, etc. Not only does it monitor sleep and track calories and steps, but the device also provides smart notifications on incoming calls and can display a small piece of message of incoming emails, texts, as well as notifications from social media.

Microsoft Band 2*

Last on our list, we have the Microsoft Band 2. This fitness tracker has a continuous heart rate monitor, it logs sleep, it tracks calories burnt off, it features multi-sport tracking, and what”s more, the smart capabilities are really things to be admired. For example, the band allows you to control your music, it allows you to receive emails, sms texts, and calls, as well as notifications via your calendar, and alerts from your Facebook and Twitter account. The advanced technology really does make this band a firm favourite amongst fitness enthusiasts, making it highly popular indeed.

Without question, a fitness tracker is a great tool for keeping track of your general fitness performance, and when you have fitness trackers like the devices mentioned above, ones that also offer smart watch styles capabilities, it becomes really handy and convenient to manage your needs and lifestyle.


If you want the best fitness watch that will suit your lifestyle, why not jump over to and discover the top ten fitness trackers available today. Whether you are a busy mom, budget weary person, a newbie exerciser, a no nonsense workout nut, an athlete or someone who wants a fashionable fitness wearable to strap on, you will find the best fitness watch that will suit your needs and have the features to track your general activities, swim, run, workout, sleep, heart rate, calories and more.

3 Waterproof Fitness Trackers That Offer Smart Notifications
If you're looking for a robust fitness tracker that can cope with most things you throw at it then these 3 smart watches review by Jason Oh may help you get on the fitness treadmill or into the pool!

Editor’s Additional Thoughts

A lot of things have changed since I bought my own basic fitness tracker a year and a half ago. Whilst the fitness trackers above cost a lot more than the iBody tracker I purchased, there are going to be quite a bit more accurate, have a lot more measures and features and sync to popular fitness tracking apps like MyFitnessPal. One of the things that held be back from buying a fitness tracker in the past was that the cost seemed too high to justify the purchase for too little functionality, now the gap between smart watches and fitness trackers is shrinking perhaps they’re now something to revisit and put on my Christmas list!

About The Author
For more information and news on the best fitness trackers available today, why not check out the top 11 wrist styled activity trackers Still not too sure on the kind of fitness tracker that will suit your lifestyle and activities? Why not pop by the Best Fitness Watch website and get a FREE guide "9 Things You Need To Know Before you Buy a Fitness Tracker". Whether you are new to fitness or a fitness junky this guide will help provide a simple laid out guideline on finding that fitness tracker for you.
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