Weekly Round-Up #84: Boost Your Productivity, Life Changing Habits and How To Sleep Better
Welcome to this week’s round-up. In this edition we look at one simple habit change you can make that will transform your life, a simple pen and paper productivity system that we’ve looked at before but can have an interesting twist and how to make yourself read more.

Welcome to this week’s round-up. In this edition we look at one simple habit change you can make that will transform your life, a simple pen and paper productivity system that we’ve looked at before but can have an interesting twist and how to make yourself read more.
People are falling in love with a simple productivity system that just uses pen and paper – Quartz
Yes, it’s bullet journalling again! I seem to be becoming obsessed with this note-taking and productivity technique without following the instructions on how it should be done. Lil Divette has some thoughts on her blog about using a single bullet journal planner to sort your tasks and you can read about my reservations in the comments: TLDR, I guess I need tabbed or defined sections but then that negates the so-called flexibility of the bullet journal * sigh * back to the drawing board!
The Single Easiest Habit Change to Improve Your Life Forever – Becoming Minimalist
This habit is, serioulsy, really, almost stupidly easy. I’ve tried it for a few days on and off and my productivity improved, sleep improved and I felt a lot more lively and productive. Unfortunately it’s all too easy to slip back into the same habit again. What is this habit? Check out the article to find out!
13 Habits Science Shows Will Help You Fall Asleep Faster And Sleep Better – IFLScience!
For those of you who are regular readers you’ll know that I struggle with my sleep. I struggle to fall asleep, and when I’m finally asleep nothing will wake me up (I’ve slept through a hurricane and two earthquakes – go me!). I know my major downfall is a lack of routine at bedtime but I struggle going to bed during “normal” hours thanks to some sort of insomnia, and having been prescribed sleeping tablets and them stopping working didn’t help and I certainly wasn’t willing to up the dose. One thing I have found that does help, which is number 12 on this list is Lavendar. Whether it’s because it forms a subconcious link with me that the smell equals sleep, I spray it and I’m out like a light within an hour (which is fast for me!) If you struggle with sleep then maybe some of these ideas in the article will help.
14 Ways to Boost Your Productivity – Backed by Science – NJ Lifehacks
I was going through this list thinking that there wouldn’t be aything on it that I hadn’t already read but there are some great pointers in this post. One of them being to keep a note of your daily accomplishments. I’m considering keeping some form of daily journal (not necessarily a diary as such) and keeping track of my daily “wins” is a great idea as all too often we only track the negatives rather than the positives, and being able to look back over these positive items will be a great boost.
The Minimalism Checklist – No Sidebar
Minimalism is all the rage at the moment, just look at the popularity of Marie Kondo’s “The Life Changing Magic Of Tidying Up”. You don’t just have to be minimalist in your possessions though, this article covers ways to keep various aspects of your life on a minimalist track.
The Truth About Standing Desks And Productivity – Fast Company
If there was one new big productivity trend of the end of 2015/start of 2016 it was the “Standing Desk”. For those of you not familiar with the concept it’s the idea that your desk if sited at a height that you can stand at and still retain a good shoulder/neck posture.
News within the past weekend has shown that sitting for eight hours a day has a massive impact on our health so perhaps standing desks are the answer? Not so, according to Fast Company, there are many more factors in play.
I stand on my feet all day and I think a combination on standing and sitting would work – in fact you can get desks that adjust to varying heights so perhaps this is the way forward (as long as you can keep your cables and plugs organised!).
11 tips and tricks to make yourself read more – Mashable
I’d set myself the goal of reading 12 books this year. That’s only 1 per month so quite manageable, right? So far we’re almost 8 month into the year. I should be looking at starting book 8 and I think I’m on book 4 maybe. Terrible. Hopefully these tips will help me read more and I’ll be able to get back on track with my goal, and I need to put my foot down more and block out some time just for reading too I think.
Have A Great Weekend
If you have an article you think my readers would like the please Contact Me via the website or drop me a tweet @FlipHeck.
Featured Image: Lavender Picture
Hey Katy,
Thanks for including my post among some other great articles. Always curious to see what you’ve been up to with your reading. Keep it up.