Weekly Round-Up #174: Time Blocking, Traveler’s Notebooks And The Cost Of Cars
In this week’s weekly round-up we take a look at how time blocking can be an effectie productivity tool, 10 uses for your traveler’s notebook and whether you know the true cost of a car.

Hi all, I hope you’ve had a productive week. In this week’s weekly round-up we take a look at how time blocking can be an effectie productivity tool, 10 uses for your traveler’s notebook and whether you know the true cost of a car.
10 Things That Need To Be Found On Your Daily To Do List – Purpose Fairy
These 10 things are not your average to-do list items, instead they remind you to do things that you may ordinari;y take for granted such as giving yourself time to get a bit of sunshine or remembering to breathe.
Take Charge Of Your Day With Time Blocking (Your Productivity Weapon) – Kayln Brook
Time blocking is where you split your day up into blocks and concentrate on one task during that time. It’s considered a really effective productivity tool as task switching can have a big impact on your productivity. Not convinced? Read Kayln Brooke’s article to see the impact it had on her productivity.
You Might Also Like: TimeBoxing: What Is It And How To Use It
Why Theming Doesn’t Work (And What To Do Instead) – Whole Life Productivity
Theming is like Time Blocking but on a larger scale, where you dedicate a whole day to a subject (rather than hours like time blocking). It’s this large timescale that causes issues, according to LJ Earnest, as you have to have the ability to be flexible with your schedule and have a lot of free time to begin with.
Designing Your Death Dossier – Wall Street Journal
It might sound a bit morbid, but what would happen if you died tomorrow? Do your family know about all the bank accounts you hold? How about that insurance policy you took out years ago? Take some of the stress off them during this time by putting togther these 25 documents before you die.
10 Traveler’s Notebook Uses You Need To Try Now – Scrapbook.com
I’ve been using a Traveler’s Notebook as my main planner of choice since the start of the year and I love it’s flexibility for project planning, to-do list keeping and calendars. If you want to see what all the hype is about but aren’t sure how you can use a traveler’s notebook then Scrapbook.com has 10 ideas for you to try out.
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Time To Tidy Up! Less Desk Clutter Makes You More Productive – Small Business Trends
They say that a tidy desk is a sign of a tidy mind and it would appear that this is certainly the case. Did you know that the average keyboard contains 7,500 bacteria? Or that you’re likely to stick with a task longer if your work area is tidy? You can read all about the benfits in this designed by the guys over at The Cleaning Services Group.
Woman In Business – MoneyPod
UK Companies that employ over 250 people have had to release their gender pay gap information (You can view the results of over 10,000 companies here) and it’s shown how skewed the gender pay break-down is in the UK workplace. This timely article from MoneyPod takes a look at the top FTSE 100 companies and how many women they employ, breaking it down by sector and region. It’s an interesting read and although the numbers are rising there’s still a long way to go.
The 11 Best Accounting And Bookkeeping Software For Freelancers – Zapier
Accounts are the necessary evil of business – they’re not just for the tax man, you need to keep accurate details of invoices and expenses so you know how much money you’re making (or losing). As much as we may hate doing our expenses, there are ways to make the process simpler and Zapier has gone through the pros and cons of 11 accounting softwares that are perfect for freelancers and small businesses.
One that isn’t on the list – because it’s under the radar a bit – is the one I use called Manager. The desktop client (for PC & Mac) is free and there’s a handy cloud version too. New features are being released all the time so if you’re looking for a robust accounting platform I’d highly recommend you checking it out.
Play Your Cars Right – MoneyPod
Finally, a bit of fun for your Friday. What’s more expensive: A car or a Fridge? How about an Audi R8 or a water powered jet pack? See if you can pass this quiz – it’s more difficult than it seems!
Have A Great Weekend
I hope you have enjoyed this round-up, as always if you have any links you like to share with me and my readers please contact me through the website or send me a tweet.
Until next week, Stay Productive!