Weekly Round-Up #239: Remote Working, Bathroom Etiquette and The Carbon Footprint Of Furniture
This week we take a look at the effect that remote working can have on your mental health, how the stage of your relationship affects your bathroom habits (hint: it’s never okay to share a towel) and how much of a carbon footprint your furniture has – and why it’s important to upcycle your old furniture.

Welcome to this week’s round-up, I hope you’ve had a fun and productive week.
This week we take a look at the effect that remote working can have on your mental health, how the stage of your relationship affects your bathroom habits (hint: it’s never okay to share a towel) and how much of a carbon footprint your furniture has – and why it’s important to upcycle your old furniture.
Remote Work And Mental Health: Real-World Advice From The Best In Real Estate – Follow Up Boss
Remote work and excellent mental health can (and should!) go hand-in-hand. But if that’s what you really want for your team, you’ll need to set up some rock-solid standards and systems in order to make it work. In this article, Growth House digs deeper into the mental health of remote workers and share insider tips from some of the real estate industry’s most successful team leaders.
Social Media Safety Rules For 2019 – Best VPN Zone 2019
How much time do you spend on social media? 2, 3 or even more hours a day? Meanwhile, posting and communicating on social networking websites are not just bells and whistles, they often put our safety and privacy at risk. But how to stay secure and improve your social media safety? This article from CoolTechZone aims to find out.
The Stages Of Relationships: Bathroom Edition – Drench
Drench, an independent bathroom retailer was interested in finding out if there is a time frame in a relationship when couples start sharing intimate bathroom habits, are couples more inclined to share their bathroom deeds with each other as their relationship grows in time? Or is it something they would always do privately from day one?
Furniture’s Carbon Footprint And The Importance Of Upcycling – My Tool Shed
My Tool Shed have looked at the damaging effect furniture carbon footprint is on the environment. Perhaps shockingly, everything from dining tables to footstools, there’s likely to be a carbon footprint, with the average piece of furniture consuming approximately 47kg of CO2e, which is the same as 5.3 gallons of Petrol!
Colour Palettes Of Every London Borough – Barratt Homes London
UK cities are so commonly mistaken for being dull, grey and monochromatic – and the capital is no exception – but our gallery reveals each area of London has it’s own vibrant personality.
How To Develop The Right Growth Strategy For Your Business – Insane Growth
A phrase you’ll hear over and over again in the business world is: if you’re not growing, you’re dying. While pithy one-liners are all well and good, how do you actually achieve business growth?
The Best Cities For Scenic Drives Around The World – Discover Car Hire
There’s nothing quite like driving in the city. Whether you crave the bright lights of a huge metropolis like London, New York or Hong Kong, or you prefer a destination with stunning coastal or mountain views, travelling and exploring new cities has become easier than ever – all you need to do is book a flight, hire a car and go. Discover Car Hire questioned over 2,500 tourist drivers (with all of them experiencing driving in the cities they were asked to score) to find out which city they enjoyed driving in the most and least.
Cyber Attacks, Software Asset Management And Employee… – Comparesoft
The media has made us all aware of the disruption a hacked IT network and Infrastructure can cause to our business. Yet, most businesses (particularly Small and Medium Businesses) do not fully appreciate cyber security threats. This article looks at how you can train your employees to protect your business.
You Vs The Richest Women In The World – RS Components
RS Components have analysed data from the Forbes’ richest self-made women list and created a tool that allows you to see how long it would take the richest self-made women to earn the same amount of wealth as your yearly salary.”
What Is VPN & How VPN Works ? VPN Explained – iTechGyan
VPN (Virtual Private Network) is a service that allows you to connect securely and privately to another network through the internet. You can use VPN to access blocked or restricted websites and hide your browsing activities when using public Wi-Fi. Check out this article which explains why you need a VPN and how they work.
Every Country’s Best Rated TV Show, Mapped – Rave Reviews
Take a stab at guessing IMDb’s top-rated TV series in your home country. ‘Game of Thrones’ tops the list in the US. Over in the UK it’s ‘Sherlock’. Fairy predictable, right?
But how about Argentina, Germany or Japan…? Here’s the thing: oodles of highly acclaimed TV shows are little-known outside their country of origin.
18 Benefits Of Exercise That Will Boost Your Motivation – Fitness Fixed Gear
If you hate exercising then you may struggle to see why you should bother. It’s not all about dieting and sweating in a gym, exercise can help improve your motivation as well.
Upgrade Your Life – Carphone Warehouse
Some life events like having kids will bring joy and happiness while others like buying a house will definitely be a financial burden but are you sure that’s how people feel about certain life events? A new study in collaboration with psychologists and life coaches Dr. Joshua C. Kaplow and Dr. Perpetua Neo has analysed what people’s key life situations are and how they feel when they happen.
GDPR For Small Businesses: Be Compliant In 2020 – Market Inspector
Since GDPR came into effect, it has had a massive impact on the way businesses all over the world process their customers’ personal data. Regulations differ depending on the size of your business and the industry you operate in, making this regulation even more difficult to understand and comply with GDPR for small businesses. So, if you’re running a small business are you sure you’re GDPR compliant?
The Rise Of Gig Economy: The Top Side Hustles In The US – App Jobs
The gig economy has seen the world of work transform significantly, with the typical 9-5 job being pushed out to allow for flexible, independent side hustles to become the new way of earning a living. But who is leading the US gig economy, what are the most popular types of work and which job can earn you the most cash?
Have A Great Weekend
I hope you have enjoyed this round-up, as always if you have any links you like to share with me and my readers please contact me through the website or send me a tweet.
Until next week, Stay Productive!