Key Ways To Be More Productive At Work When Trying To Keep In Shape


Working 9 to 5 in an office often results to you sitting around on your desk. At the end of the day, despite not doing any physical activity, you just feel so tired. This is a common problem for most workers. Sometimes, they already feel too tired before they have to clock out that they become less productive in their jobs. To top it off, workers who do not make a habit of exercising often get out of shape. If you feel the same way and you want to be more productive at work while also keeping in shape, here are a few tips for you.

Key Ways To Be More Productive At Work When Trying To Keep In Shape
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Working 9 to 5 in an office often results to you sitting around on your desk. At the end of the day, despite not doing any physical activity, you just feel so tired.

This is a common problem for most workers. Sometimes, they already feel too tired before they have to clock out that they become less productive in their jobs. To top it off, workers who do not make a habit of exercising often get out of shape.

If you feel the same way and you want to be more productive at work while also keeping in shape, here are a few tips for you:

1. Choose to eat healthy

Whether it is for breakfast or snacks, it is important that you choose to eat healthy. Remember that the food you eat can affect your mood and productivity in the office. If you eat a heavy meal before heading to work, you may risk feeling lethargic. This is due to your body’s response after eating a large meal. Your blood would dash to your digestive system to digest the food you just ate, resulting in you feeling tired and wanting to rest.

Instead of choosing to eat a hearty meal, go for light but filling snacks like fruits and oats. If you don’t think that will be enough to get you through until lunch, you can bring a healthy mid-morning snack. SnackNation has a list of healthy snacks you can bring to the office if you do not have any idea of what makes up a healthy snack, or if you are simply looking for new snack combos to bring to work.

If you’re the more adventurous type when it comes to food, or you’re simply looking for more options, you can also check restaurants and cafés around your area through HeyYou.

2. Make time to do some light exercises before heading to work

It is normal for workers to feel anxious or depressed after working for a long time. Numerous deadlines and presentations also contribute to an employee’s loss of focus and low productivity. Thus, it is essential that, before setting foot at the workplace, an employee is able to cope with stress and has the right mindset.

Making time to perform simple and calming exercises before work can be very helpful in coping with stress. Yoga and aerobic exercise like swimming, walking, hiking and jogging are worthwhile activities that can improve your mood, as well as clear your mind.

Exercising can also be your time to come up with solutions to some of your existing problems. Because of the renewed energy that light exercises can induce, you might be amazed at how such a simple activity can make you look at situations from a different perspective.

3. Take a walk during scheduled breaks

Taking breaks in between work in itself is already a huge help in increasing the productivity of employees. It gives them time to clear their mind and rest for a bit. This might just be what you need to get your head to focus on the task at hand.

If drinking coffee or smoking outside with fellow employees does not do the trick of getting your brain to think more clearly, then perhaps taking a walk outside or walking down the stairs can help you focus. Not only are these healthier alternatives, but walking also helps keep you alert by increasing the blood flow to your brain. It also results in the production of the neurotransmitter called serotonin, which is responsible for improving emotions and moods.

4. Stretch every one and a half hours for a few minutes

Sitting on a chair and looking at a computer for a long time can make you or any employee restless and stiff. This often results to boredom and the inability to focus on your tasks.

So when you start feeling bored or restless while working, standing up to stretch your body, especially your back and neck, for a few minutes can help you get your focus back and get more work done.

5. Play some sports after work

Work can be very toxic and stressful and to de-stress, nothing beats some good ol’ physical activity. But instead of going to the gym, you can enjoy this by playing a sport you love.

If you like team sports, like basketball, soccer, or baseball, then that would be a perfect way to stretch your muscles and socialize at the same time. You can invite your workmates and, instead of sharing a drink in the bar, you can play a sport instead. Of course, you can also play and drink afterwards.

Work sometimes takes over your life that you can forget to take care of yourself and get out of shape. This can be the start of a downward spiral that can end up in you getting burnt out. So take care of yourself and get back in shape while also increasing your productivity at work.

Featured Image: Supplied by the author
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