Weekly Round-Up #189: Time Management Tips, Making Your First Million and Podcasts


Welcome to this week’s round-up. This week we look at effective time management tips, how to know if you’re on your way to becoming a millionaire and inspiring podcasts to encourage resilience.

Weekly Round-Up #189: Time Management Tips, Making Your First Million and Podcasts
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Welcome to this week’s round-up. This week we look at effective time management tips, how to know if you’re on your way to becoming a millionaire and inspiring podcasts to encourage resilience.

How To Use The 4 Ds Of Effective Time Management – Forbes

I’m not going to spoil the 4 D’s for you – but I’ll give you a hit, one of them isn’t drink! If you want to get stuff done, keep your co-workers/friends/family happy and make yourself more attractive for promotion then these 4 “D”s will help you stay on track and reach your targets.

6 Productivity Tips For Overloaded IT Leaders – Enterprisers Project

From stoping DOS Attacks and fixing email SPAM issues to putting forward the case for a new IT system and allowing remote working, an IT leader often has their work cut out for them. While the tips in this article may be be aimed at Tech officers and CIOs, you could apply them to any area of your business.

Are You Constantly Distracted By Technology? Here’s What To Do – Entrepreneur

Are you stuck in the “Oooh, it’s Tech so I am welded to it” rut? Whatsapp notifaction dings so must check it? Sit in a meeting answering emails? Perhaps you need to step away from the tech and get back in the room!

20 Signs You’re On Your Way To Becoming A Millionaire – Business Insider – Business Insider

We’re often told that if we believe it, it will come but I can’t say that I’ve noticed that the universe works that way! I mean, I started earning money at a young age – I had 3 jobs at the age of 16 so where’s my million pounds?!

12 Ted Talks That Will Change The Way You Look At Business Cybersecurity – Varonis

You might think that cybersecurity is something that’s for your IT team to sort out, or that your anti-virus and anti-malware software will stop all the issues. This may have been true a few years ago but with the rising sophistication of hacking techniques and the fact we use our devices in multiple locations (home, coffee shops, the office and even on trains) it’s always worth understanding the issues and being prepared just in case

12 Science-Backed Ways To Get People To Like You – Quick Quid

It’s not all about smelling nice and a strong handshake that helps people to like you, there are other subtle ways you can influence those around you to like you a little more. This infographic gives you 12 tips you can use in a variety of situations to become well liked.

Body Language Basics: Introduction
July sees the launch of a new series of posts here on Flipping Heck all about Body Language. We'll be looking at a variety of aspects of body language such as how to spot a liar, how to ace an interview with your body

Colour Palettes From 8 Tv Living Rooms – Compare The Market

Colours can have a big impact on our emotions – so what are some of the colours palettes from our favourite TV shows? This breakdown that covers everything from Downton Abbey to The Big Bang Theory so you can bring the colours from your favourite shows to your own home.

10 Ways To Build Leadership Credibility – Zoe Talent Solutions

Some people seem to just have that “leadership” quality but it’s not that easy, you can’t get by on personality alone you have to build trust and credibility. This infograpic gives you 10 ways you can build your credibility as a leader.

Successful People’s Favourite Places – Berkley Build

Everyone has a favourite place to hang out – and famous people are no exception. In this article they look at the favourite places of people like Steve Jobs and Oprah Winfrey – it looks like Hawaii is a popular spot to hang out as well!

15 Inspiring Podcasts To Encourage Resilience – Fundera

I’m always on the lookout for new podcasts to listen to and Fundera have put together some great ones to listen to on a variety on topics from successful tips from millionares and how to handle what life throws at you to getting things done and self-help techniques.

The Breakdown Of Fortune 500 Female CEOs – eCardShack

Companies are bringing more people in to top jobs, but it’s a slow process. This interactive graphic shows and interesting breakdown of female Fortune 500 CEOs including education levels, age and more.

The Global Luck Index: Superstitions From Around The World – Betway

I can’t say that I am truly supersticious; I mean I own a black cat, have no problems walking under a ladder and open umbrellas in the house but.…there are certain things I do consider a bit lucky (and no, before you ask they’re not pants!). Luck around the world has some interesting looks – and I like the idea of eating bacon being lucky!

About The Author
Katy is always trying to be more productive one day at a time! Whether it's analogue, digital, motivational or psychological who'll try any system that will help her get things done and get organised. As well as running FlippingHeck.com, she also loves making music and reviewing things.
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