Weekly Round-Up #48 – Make conference calls easier, Is your working week average? And a massive list of productivity tools


This week you’ll want to grab a coffee and a sandwich while you check out a massive list of productivity tools, find out if your working week is too long, figure out who your successful sleeping partner is and make conference calls simple for a change!

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Welcome to this week’s round-up of interesting posts I’ve found for you across the internet.

Happy (belated) Thanksgiving to all of my American readers, I hope that you had a great family get-together and it wasn’t too stressful for you! Speaking of stressful, if you’re braving any of the “Black Friday” sales on the high-street today I wish you luck and a lot of patience – I’m currently working in retail and this will be my first black Friday so it’ll be interesting to put all of my people and time management skills to the test – fingers crossed!

So sit back, grab yourself a coffee, a left-over Thanksgiving turkey sandwich and sit back and enjoy these great posts that can help you work smarter and become more productive – Enjoy!

Best Productivity Tools For Work [2016 Edition] – Employee Scheduling Pro

From Time Management and People Management to Budgeting and managing social media this massive post has got something for everyone whether you’re an individual, small business or multi-national company. And while you’re there, check out the Employee Scheduling Pro website which allows you to schedule your manpower efficiently without having to tear your hair out!

Which Countries Work The Longest Hours? – Get VoIP

In the UK we’re supposed to work an “average” of 37.5 hours and have to specifically opt out of the European Working Time Directive that limits work to a maximum of 48 hours a week, in the US the “average” working week is supposed to be 40 hours but what are they really? Find out where your country stands in the working hours league by checking out Get VoIP’s great infographic.

One-tap access to any call or online meeting – MobileDay

Back in the day when I was desk-bound I used to have to join in no-end of conference calls. The problem with these is if you forget you’re supposed to be on one, trying to find the right dial in number, pin code and the rest can be a complete nightmare – especially if your email inbox isn’t too organised (hint: if it isn’t read my post on getting to Inbox Zero here).

MobileDay aims to take the hassle out of conference calls by linking with your calendar, reminding you you’re due for a call and providing simple one-touch dialling into the call itself. The app’s available for iPhone and Android and there’s a free plan so you can try it out first so if you’re on a lot of calls try it and make conference calls a little bit easier to manage!

Sleep Patterns of 21 Winners [Infographic] – Home Arena

So there are apparently 11% of people that get up at 4am…? I’m normally just about going to bed then – not because I’m a dirty stop out but because I’m a real night owl and do my best work after 11pm – honest! Anyway, I digress! The guys at Home Arena? have come up with an interesting infographic so you can check your sleeping habits against some of the most successful people in the world.

Have A Great Weekend

I hope it’s relaxing and you’re able to get everything you want at ridiculosly low prices on Black Friday and Cyber Monday!

If you’re into blogging yourself don’t forget to download my Free Ultimate Blog Planner so you can manage your editorial calendar and track your post ideas and if you’re into paper-based calendars, to-do lists and planners then please sign-up for my newsletter so you can get exclusive access to my 2016 planner printables!

About The Author
Katy is always trying to be more productive one day at a time! Whether it's analogue, digital, motivational or psychological who'll try any system that will help her get things done and get organised. As well as running FlippingHeck.com, she also loves making music and reviewing things.
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