How Video Production Can Increase Corporate Productivity


Getting new employees up to speed can be a bit of a difficult process that not only costs you time but also money. You can use someone to talk and walk them through the process but this will take someone out of their own workflow and cause additional problems. In order to keep your organisation running as normal and onboard your new employees as soon as possible you might consider videos to help in the process. In this article we look at the benefits of using videos in your business and how they can increase your workplace productivity.

How Video Production can increase Corporate Productivity
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A lot has been said about the numerous benefits of using video content in marketing a business and its products to both potential and existing customers. However, did you know that you can also use well crafted videos to improve the performance and productivity of your employees as well?

If video can be used to capture and hold the attention of your targeted audience when used in your organization’s marketing plan, can it also deliver the same level of success when used within the organization?

Yes it can!

London video production companies have been working with Businesses in order to use video for multiple purposes and outcomes. Read on below to learn more about the ways you can use video to raise the productivity of your employees, and with it, build a well oiled, top performing workforce.

Employee Recruitment

Organization’s looking to move their operations, and recruitment, forward into the 21st century should consider using video in one way or the other. Video can be used to significantly reduce the amount of time and resources spent on staff recruitment endeavours, both for the organization and job seekers.

For instance, recruitment videos can help eliminate the need to schedule multiple interviews and any associated travel costs linked to travelling to the venue for an in person interview.

Organizations can even use pre-recorded recruitment videos to introduce the company to potential job seekers. Furthermore, the company can include a detailed and accurate description of the vacant position in question as well as the necessary requirements and qualifications of suitable candidates; essentially helping would be applicants prepare adequately for the application process.

Staff On-boarding

Is there a better way to show your new recruits that the company uses up to date staff on-boarding processes than to use top quality videos?

The traditional on-boarding process which involves showing new recruits to their desks and then handing them a bunch of compliance manuals and documents to read up on and get up to speed on company policy is uninteresting but also time consuming for most.

It’s true that some recruits prefer to read through such documents, but most would rather prefer the appeal, easy to understand and fast turnaround nature of using videos instead. Such videos give the company the opportunity to capture the attention of new recruits immediately, and keep it for as long as possible. As such, you can be sure that the new employees come out of this process with all the necessary information in mind.

Staff Training

With the help of highly informative training videos, you can change the entire experience from being dull and unappealing, to a fun and personalized learning experience. The learning material can be divided into small bits of highly informative but easy to understand tutorials that each participant can catch up on during their own time, and at their own pace.

You can prepare the videos yourself, or where possible hire a professional tutor. It is worth noting that since the training sessions will be recorded on video, there will be no need to hire the tutor again in the near future, unless the relevant learning material changes.

Communication Within The Company

Communication barriers within organizations can hamper staff productivity, and get in the way of achieving company goals. This is where the obscenely shareable nature of video comes into action.

With the popularity of social media, video sharing has become more of a natural response. In this case, employees will be sharing important company communications with other employees within the same company, across different teams, and the world at large.

If you wish to share important product updates or company announcements, across a large group of employees quickly, using high quality and interesting videos is definitely the way to go.


Video can be used as a strong and essential tool for interaction; in this case, among staff members. Almost everyone has a laptop, tablet or smartphone these days. This, combined with the free to use video conferencing services has given companies a worthwhile alternative to the often cumbersome and costly telephone conferences.

Video conferencing has made it possible for staff members to have efficient exchanges during such meetings. For instance, participants can even display reports on their computers by swapping their feed for a live stream of their computer screen.

Events And Shows

Failure to attend an event in which the organization is featured no longer has to mean that employees miss the entire presentation altogether. Live video streaming has made it possible for all interested staff members to follow live proceedings just as if they were there in person.

Since all employees feel connected to whatever the organization is doing at that moment, a strong organizational bond is fostered.

Today, a growing number of businesses especially in London and in inner cities, have realized the value of using video in their marketing efforts. After reading the above, you should be in a position to use video within your company in more ways to help boost staff productivity levels.

About The Author
Matt Gardner spent 10 years in television news before setting up in corporate video production in 2003. His creative service agency has since broadened its skill set to include branding, design and social media.
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