5 Packing Tips For A Smooth Office Relocation

5 Packing Tips For A Smooth Office Relocation


Moving offices is never fun, but it’s one of those things you’re bound to go through at least once in your career. Take the pain out of office relocation with these 5 helpful tips to keep you organised during your move.

5 Packing Tips For A Smooth Office Relocation
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So, you have decided that it’s a smart idea to move your business to a better location. Office relocation is a complicated task that takes some extensive planning. There is a lot of ground to be covered, so you need to make sure that everything is done properly. It is always the best idea to hire a professional company to help you with your move, and discuss what role they will play, and what your own staff will have to do. Read my review here for some tips to help you out during this tiresome process.

Schedule And Check Ahead

It is important to schedule your relocation, both with the place you’re moving out of and the one you are moving into. It is generally the case that buildings won’t let you move during office hours, so you will have to do it outside that time. The optimal time to do this is during the weekend. You also need to check if there are any other requirements, because every building has a set of their own. For example, some buildings demand that their floors are properly covered and protected, the elevators reserved ahead. They may also put a limit on how long you can be parked at the loading dock.

Keep Your Electronics Safe

You need to take good care of your electronic equipment, so that it doesn’t take any damage. Wrap every monitor in anti-static bubble wrap, and then tape it properly. While doing this, avoid getting any tape on the monitors. Also, putting them into boxed and placing them on top of each other is a horrible idea. Furthermore, if you want your data to remain safe, make sure that you make a backup onto an external hard drive. You also need to take good care of your fax machines, copiers and printers. Wrap all the lids and covers in tape, and remove any attachments. If you are unsure how it should be done, check instructions for every device, to learn how they should be moved properly.

Label All Your Boxes

It is essential that every box is labelled properly. According to moving boxes Sydney professionals, this is what enables your professional relocation service to pack the items strategically, keep track of them, and properly unpack them once they reach the new building. Furthermore, it enables your employees to easily find what they need for their new office. A good idea is to come up with a numbering system for every box, as well as to add a short description of what is in there. Colours are also important. You can also plan so that employees that work in offices that are next to each other pack their things together, in order to use a smaller number of boxes, and make it easier to unpack.

Hire A Move Manager

If you decide not to hire a professional office relocation company that offers full services, you should at least make sure that you have a move manager, who will coordinate everything that is being done, including moving your furniture, technology, and the like. A move manager can make things a lot easier for you. In fact, it might even be a great idea to have two, one that is responsible for your current location and the other for where you are moving to. This is as far as you should go, though, as any more managers will only unnecessarily complicate things.

If, on the other hand, you don’t have a move manager that will cover all the necessary details, you need to draw a sketch of the floor plan so that your items are moved to the right place. Think ahead and announce your move, so that everyone is ready for it.

Pack Your Cables

When packing your technological equipment, it is important that you think about your cables, so that they aren’t forgotten about, damaged or lost. Before you start packing your computers, remove each and every cable, and then put them in proper bags. Make sure that you mark both your cables and computers with the right numbers, so that you know where every cable belongs. You will benefit a lot from this system later on. Once you are at your new location, make sure that all the cables are installed and tested, before your network and equipment is being set up. Discuss cable connection services with your move manager or professional relocation service, if you need any help with it.

Moving to a new location can be a stressful thing, but you can make it a lot easier by following these 5 packing tips. Schedule your moving and check everything ahead. Make sure that your electronics are safely packed, along with your cables. Label everything, in order to make the process easier. Finally, hire a move manager to have someone make sure that everything goes smoothly.

About The Author
Leila Dorari is a marketing consultant and a freelance writer from Sydney. She has been working with different companies for 5 years now. When taking a break from making new marketing slogans, she is either window shopping or exploring new ways to make her life more meaningful.
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