It’s Time To Embrace The Chaos!

It’s Time To Embrace The Chaos!


Tomorrow is “Chaos Never Dies Day”. Yes, there apparently is a day for everything! This is the day where we understand that things can spin out of control, that we can’t escape the rat race, that our inbox will probably be overflowing and you have forgotten the kids have sports today and sent them off without their kit which is currently sitting in the washing machine.

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Tomorrow is “Chaos Never Dies Day”.

Yes, there apparently is a day for everything!

This is the day where we understand that things can spin out of control, that we can’t escape the rat race, that our inbox will probably be overflowing and you have forgotten the kids have sports today and sent them off without their kit which is currently sitting in the washing machine.

No one is perfect.

Things will always slip through the cracks.

We can only hold so much information in our brains at once so it’s understandable that we’ll drop the ball on occasion.

And that is perfectly fine, normal and okay.

And it’s not something you should beat yourself up about – everyone feels this way.

I’m pretty sure even the most glamorous and “put together” people live in chaos from time-to-time.

So what’s the point about “Chaos Never Dies Day”?

It’s time to reflect on the fact that everything that’s going on is normal and happens to everyone, it can also be a chance to take a step back and try to take a breath.

Realising that the chaos is happening (and will probably continue to happen in some form) will help you to hopefully go with the flow and not fight against things that can’t be fought against – that will just lead to more stress and the associated impacts that that brings.

So take a deep breath, grab yourself a coffee (or a glass of wine), close your eyes, relax and embrace the chaos.

About The Author
Katy is always trying to be more productive one day at a time! Whether it's analogue, digital, motivational or psychological who'll try any system that will help her get things done and get organised. As well as running, she also loves making music and reviewing things.
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