It’s Never To Late To Learn Something New

It’s Never To Late To Learn Something New


This week I’ve been thinking about how we improve ourselves as adults. A friend of mine has just recently completed a course that’s allowing them to pursue a completely different career than the one they had in mind for themselves – something that would have been extremely difficult even a few years ago. The pandemic also increased the presence and availability of online learning with universities and colleges opening their virtual doors to more people than before.

Woman learning English
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This week I’ve been thinking about how we improve ourselves as adults. A friend of mine has just recently completed a course that’s allowing them to persue a completely different career than the one they had in mind for themselves – something that would have been extremely difficult even a few years ago.

The pandemic also increased the presence and availability of online learning with universities and colleges opening their virtual doors to more people than before.

Even I bit the learning bullet and have been taking an online course to not only better myself but to help me in my work with

Why am I bringing this up now? Well today is World Distance Learning day and I thought it would be a great reminder (and perhaps a push) to think about something that you’ve wanted to learn and feel like you haven’t been able to due to working full time. Or maybe you want to solidify some on-the-job training you have had – now is the perfect time.

So what are you waiting for? There are many courses out there both free and paid so take the leap today!

If you’re still on the fence then how about getting 75% off a course with New Skills Academy (affiliate link)? I’m doing two courses with them at the moment and I really like the way they break everything down into manageable sections and they have a great range of courses to join as well.

Get 75% off your next course with New Skills Academy (affiliate link)

If you sign up using my referral link you’ll get 75% off of any full price course (excluding subscriptions and monthly products) and I’ll get a 75% discount off my next course too – it’s a win/win!

About The Author
Katy is always trying to be more productive one day at a time! Whether it's analogue, digital, motivational or psychological who'll try any system that will help her get things done and get organised. As well as running, she also loves making music and reviewing things.
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