It Is Not Tough To Get A Startup Brand Noticed
It is true that most startups find it extremely difficult to get their brand noticed amidst this huge crowded marketplace. However, if you follow a few specific steps then this tough job will become relatively easy. You will also have enough left for marketing not having to spend much on product development. There are lots of low-cost channels out there that are useful. Use of social media channels is the best thing a startup can do to attract more followers towards their brands. Once you have attracted your followers, you must then focus on encouraging them to stay with your site. This article looks at some ways you can get your brand out there.

It is true that most startups find it extremely difficult to get their brand noticed amidst this huge crowded marketplace. However, if you follow a few specific steps then this tough job will become relatively easy. You will also have enough left for marketing not having to spend much on product development. There are lots of low-cost channels out there that are useful.
Use of social media channels is the best thing a startup can do to attract more followers towards their brands. Once you have attracted your followers, you must then focus on encouraging them to stay with your site. For this you will need to keep a few things in mind such as:
- Provide your followers with exactly what they want
- Make them feel that they are the most valuable asset for your business and brand
- And respect and respondto their comments, feedbacks and questions on a regular basis.
All it requires is a little bit of effort and time to try these out and choose the most suitable one for your brand. You will soon see all your hard work and diligence paying off well.
Focus on content marketing
Whether it is site for selling e-tickets or grocery items, information on specific topics or fordebt settlement reviews, content is the king. In the past decade or so, content marketing has been the primary focus for all brands, startups and otherwise. It has become the most viral subject in the marketing industry and everyone seemed to be trying to do content marketing. This is because:
- Content marketing is a low cost method
- It provides high returns when such marketing is done right
- Successful content marketing will help a lot to increase the brand awareness
- It will also help in improving the SEO of your site
- It has the potential to encourage your customers to get more engaged
- It can also create more sales that way.
All these are from the sellers’ point of view. When considering the facts from the customer’s perspective, if content marketing is done correctly it will help in increasing customer loyalty towards your brand.
Quality over quantity
This is another vital thing that you should focus on for establishing brand value for your startup. Ideally, ‘quality over quantity’ is something that should be your one of the primary concerns even before you indulgeinto content marketing. Such a mindset will prove to be better in many ways.
- It will help you to decide who should produce the content assuming that you are not interested or good at in writing
- If you want to outsource this task to a freelanceryou can save even more
- It will help you to deliver things keepingthe specific audience in mind
- It will be easier for you to sell your product through your content.
By providing advice, suggestions and solutions, your efforts will make the life of the users easier and help them to solve their problems.
The most significant benefit you will get when you focus on quality rather than on quantity is that you will find the easiest way of all to improve the SEO of your site. This is because Google appreciates good, meaningful, informative and fresh content. Therefore, in order to improve the ranking of your site on SERP make it a point that:
- You add new and good quality content in your blog on your website at least once a week
- Focus more on doing your keywords research
- Ensure that you incorporate your target keywords in your blog posts and
- In addition to creating awesome content also focus on promoting it.
All these will ensure that your site appears high in the SERP which in turn will promote your brand and generate more organic traffic to your site. This will in turn generate more leads and conversion and eventually to more sales and revenue.
Promoting your content
You will promote your brand when you promote your content and there is no denial to this fact. There are many ways in which you can promote your content to promote your content such as:
- You can post it on the social media channels
- You can publish it on Medium and
- You can even try out social media advertising if you have a little more budget.
Charity is another way to promote a brand easily and effectively though it is not for everyone, especially for those who have a dollar sing in their minds. If you have an authentic and long lasting relationship with the charities it will help your startup business in a large variety of ways.
- Usually, the charity will include your company in their listas a sponsor and mention it on their website. This will increase your brand awareness.
- You can also promote your product, service and brand actively through networking and seminars as well when the charity holds any events.
You can donate money, if you have surplus that is, or materials and even a certain percentage of your sales but you should primarily have the heart, intent and care about the charity mission.
Use a referral network
Last but not least, building a strong referral network always helps startups to promote their brands. Therefore, whenever you have the appropriate moment and budget, do not forget to develop and launch an app. However, when you do so just keep in mind a few things such as:
- You must ask people to use your app but do it naturally
- Evaluate and test each channel before the launch and
- Invest in a sponsored campaign for a minimum amount of money.
By taking advantage of their network when you build a strong referral network it will help you in the word-of-mouth advertising which is the most powerful forms of marketing, especially for startups and small businesses to get more referrals. It will create more trust and credibility among the users.
Remember, for any startup, building a brand is much easier as compared to promoting it but will so many social media channels around, it is not impossible either.