Free Download: September Motivational Wallpaper [Quote By Thomas Edison]
The free motivational wallpaper for September is a quote from Thomas Edison. We can learn a lot about productivity and motivation from Edison, and if you display this quote on your monitor it’s sure to motivate you for the whole of September.
This month’s quote comes from Thomas Edison, a famous inventor and businessman.
Edison was one of those lucky people who always seemed to be in the right place at the right time, or who knew the right people.
Edison is usually credited with the invention of the lightbulb, however the story of the lightbulb is a bit more complicated than that and is something that if you have a spare 5 minutes you should look into!
Edison was someone who persevered, took other people’s ideas (as was common at the time thanks to lax patent laws but more importantly the spirit of collaboration) and improved on them, and also wasn’t afraid to admit he’d gone down the wrong route, scrap everything and start again.
What can we learn from Edison? There’s no harm in trying something, if it doesn’t work as expected you can learn from the experience and move on; That you should stick with something until it’s apparent it won’t work or it’s not right for you; That just because someone else tried a similar thing and failed doesn’t mean you will too.
You can download your free wallpaper by right-clicking this link and choosing “Save-As” or “Set As Wallpaper” or click on the image below and save the linked image.