Free Download: FlipMealPlan Free Printable Meal Planner


Planning meals is a sure-fire way to start eating in a healthier way with better variety, getting your five a day, allowing you to control portions and track what you eat. The FlipMealPlan is a simple free printable meal planner that lets you plan what you’re making for the week ahead and check what’s going out of date in your fridge.

Featured - Flip Menu Plan
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I’ve decided to get on a bit of a health kick (I know, shocking huh?) and have decided that one way to do this is to plan my meals out so that I can make sure I get healthier food in, and sort out my terrible portion control by only buying what I need.

I looked around and there are a few really nice planners out there already (check out this Pinterest board for starters) but I figured that as I was on a “planning design” kick at the moment I’d have a go at designing my own Meal Planner that I could modify as needed and would fit in with the “Flipping Heck designs” that I’ve been using recently.

How to use the FlipMealPlan

The plan is quite simple to use, below is a breakdown of the sections:

FlipMealPlan Instructions

  1. Week Commencing: Write the date the plan starts in this space here. This will help you organise your plans if you wish to write out multiple meal plans at once
  2. Day of the Week Box: Here you can (if needed) write out the date of the day the box relates to. The box is split up into sections which you can fill in as required
  3. Main Course Section: Here you can list your main course for the day along with any notes you may have
  4. Sides Section: Here you can note down your planned side dishes to go along with your main course
  5. Desserts: Yes, I know I’m supposed to be on a health kick but there are plenty of healthy puddings out there
  6. Things We Need To Buy: Use this section to list down things that you need to get based on your meal choices. You can then transfer these to your Shopping List as required (you can download my Printable Shopping List here).
  7. Things That Need To Be Used This Week: We all have stuff lurking in the back of the fridge or cupboard that is getting close to its “use by” date. Go through your cupboards and Fridge on a Sunday night or Monday morning before you work out your weekly meals and note down what you need to use up here.

And that’s it! It’s not overly complicated and will hopefully help you start to at least think about what you’re cooking and get you on the road to a healthier, more balance diet.

Download the FlipMealPlan

Let me know what you think!

Is this something that you find useful? Is there something I’ve missed out? Let me know in the comments.


About The Author
Katy is always trying to be more productive one day at a time! Whether it's analogue, digital, motivational or psychological who'll try any system that will help her get things done and get organised. As well as running, she also loves making music and reviewing things.
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