Free Download: Christmas Food Planner
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In my last post I mentioned that I’d been getting rather organised for Christmas this year by buying presents and food items (that can be stored) early. The problem with this is remembering what you’ve already bought so you don’t double up on items and waste money unnecessarily. I’ve done this already, I now have about 6 jars of pickled onions which I kept thinking that I needed for some reason so to stop me buying any more I designed the Christmas Food Planner!

What is the Christmas Food Planner?

This free to download PDF is a simple list of common food items you might purchase over the Christmas period. It’s laid out to help you remember what you might need to buy and split into different parts so you can start planning your food shopping well in advance and hopefully spread the cost.

Christmas Food Plan Layout

I’ve broken it down into different sections so that the list is easier to read and manage:

  • Date – The date you started the list. This could come in handy when using multiple sheets or working out use-by dates
  • Dry/Long Life Goods – These items can be bought well in advance and stored. This is handy for picking up items that may be on special offer or you have coupons for during the year
  • Meat/Short Life – These are things that need to be picked up just before Christmas – unless you have a big freezer and can fit them in
  • Salad – Get these items as close to the day you’ll be using them as possible
  • Dairy – Items that you might forget you need extra of over the festive period such as milk and cheese
  • Vegetables – Some of these can be bought early and frozen, others you might want to get closer to the date
  • Drinks – Christmas wouldn’t be Christmas without a festive tipple or two – and don’t forget the drivers and non-drinkers!

Once you have an item simply check it off, there’s also space to add in other items I may have missed, or any special requirements you need.

How can you get your Free Christmas Food Planner?

As always I love hearing from you so if you have any suggestions, comments or requests please let me know in the comments!



About The Author
Katy is always trying to be more productive one day at a time! Whether it's analogue, digital, motivational or psychological who'll try any system that will help her get things done and get organised. As well as running, she also loves making music and reviewing things.
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2 thoughts on “Free Download: Christmas Food Planner

  1. Great Christmas food planner, thanks for sharing it! My son has a food planner where he keeps the price of specific items so that he can budget them as well.

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