7 Best Infographics on the Web For Increasing Workplace Productivity


Don’t feel like reading how you can be productive? Then check out these great inforgraphics that will how you how you can be more productive than ever!

7 Best Infographics on the Web For Increasing Workplace Productivity
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Getting the most out of your workday involves a combination of planning, health, and making sure that you are your most productive self. Use these infographics to get some ideas on the best ways to make yourself more productive.

1. Making sure that you’ve eliminated distractions is more than half the battle when it comes to being productive.

9 Ways To Be Productive

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2. But productivity can get complex, review the below infographic if you need some extra inspiration.

How To be Productive - A Flow Chart

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3. Nothing can be worse for getting things done than a poor workspace and posture, it’ll slow you down and kill you over time. Look through this infographic for tips on how to improve your workplace.

Sort your workplace out - better posture means better working

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4. There are a few classic approaches to getting things done, familiarize yourself with this infographic if you don’t know these methods yet.

Powerful Productivity

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5. Need to take a vacation from your bad routines, use this handy infographic to get more stuff done faster.

7 Day plan to stay productive

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6. You don’t have to be a lady to appreciate this infographic, the advice applies to everyone.

How Women plan their days

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7. Sometimes the key to unlocking workplace efficiency is simply making sure that you are doing your best to start the week off right, if all else fails the laid back approach suggested in this infographic may be the key

10 Steps to make Sunday Productive

*View the original post here

This is a guest post by Carly Schoonhoven. You can find out more about Carly and what she does on her website
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