7 Ways To Make Your Home Smarter

7 Ways To Make Your Home Smarter


Are you searching for a few clever methods of creating a smart home? Here, we’ve put together all that you need to know. These simple, proven and effective home improvement ideas will help you to get the most out of your small or large living space!

7 Ways To Make Your Home Smarter
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Almost a decade ago, the concept of smart home devices was a whimsical belief, if not mere science fiction. However, a couple of years down the line, we’ve all got used to having these home gadgets. In fact, most of us can’t do without them!

Of course, you don’t have to be Bill Gates or Tony Stark to reap in the benefits of these home devices. All you need are a few simple tips to make your living space as ‘smart’ as possible. Here are our seven exciting ideas:

1.  Install Fast Speed Internet

This is probably the first thing to do to make your home smart. With a stable and fast internet connection, you can easily link all your home gadgets allowing them to communicate with one another.

Now, although the speed of your connection will almost certainly depend on your (ISP) Internet Service Provider, we’ve found a quick solution. Just add a WiFi router to boost the speeds of whichever package you’re using. These are affordable devices like Google WiFi which costs only $100!

2. Get a Smart TV

The beauty of getting a smart TV is in its functionality and clear picture quality. Today, some new models can Livestream popular channels like Netflix. While many of us are okay with this, others will live stream content from other countries, including deep into the mountains and forests.

These smart TVs even have apps that stream directly from space. What’s more, you can use your TV as a monitor when browsing content from this website or any other social platform. There’s a lot to expect from these home gadgets, mainly because their technology will only continue improving and growing.

3. Get a Camera for Additional Security

One of the other critical factors to remember when learning how to set up a smart home is the need for security cameras. Today, there are modern CCTV modern cameras that store footage for many hours. With that in mind, why should you continue struggling with a tape recorder?

Furthermore, nowadays, getting live stream videos on your tablet or phone is as quick as receiving a text message. Therefore, you can keep a close watch over your home at any point throughout the day.

4. Add a Couple of Smart Locks

You may have all the latest technological smart home devices, but if burglars break into your home, the pain of losing them may be too painful to bear. Besides, having to replace all the stolen gadgets is a substantial financial burden and a considerable inconvenience. Luckily, you can improve your home’s security system by investing in a few smart locks.

This smart home gadget locks the doors via an approved device, preferably a smartphone, and alerts you when certain doors open. This is quite convenient, especially if you’re one of those individuals who are always away from home. With it, you can monitor the comings and goings in your home with complete control.

5. Connect the Light Bulbs to Your Wi-Fi

Other than just having some smart home switches, you can also link your lighting system to your home’s WiFi. Among many things, it will allow you to switch them on and off when necessary. That said, make sure you get energy-efficient bulbs to avoid getting shocked once the electricity bill hits your mailbox.

6. Look for Some Smart Meter Home Devices

To ensure you save more cash, how about installing a smart meter? With this smart home gadget, you can see the amount of power you’re using from your smartphone, tablet, or any other preferred device. Of course, there are a lot of areas which need improvement here, but so far their convenience is quite impressive.

7. Did You Know You Can Talk To Your Home?

When we first heard of ‘Siri,’ we thought it was a somewhat silly way of getting answers to rather useless questions. Slowly and quietly, these simple digital assistant now has full control of your home. Today, you can instruct it to switch your TV on or prepare a warm bath for you.


With these useful home improvement tips, you’ll have a smart home within a short time. Furthermore, these are answers to all those who may still be wondering what is a smart home or how to set up one.

Finally, you need to get your hands on all these seven smart pieces of tech if you wish to enjoy the comforts of a technologically modified living space. So, which one will you install first, and why? Feel free to drop your comments below!

About The Author
R. Hudson is a passionate home decor blogger who enjoys posting captivating posts on home improvement for her large base of readers. A retired high school teacher, she now spends much of her time trying to get the best out of her home and playing the book of ra online with friends.
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