How To Set Up A Perfect Home Workout Space

How To Set Up A Perfect Home Workout Space


For many people, just leaving the home to go outside and work out is hard. Even more so during this pandemic. Many beginners prefer the comfort of their home. Maybe you can relate? Once you set up your workout space, and find a great program you like, we bet taking out those workout shoes to exercise will become a lot easier. If you want to work out more consistently and save time, a home workout space is a must-have.

Person praticing yoga at home
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For many people, just leaving the home to go outside and work out is hard. Even more so during this pandemic. Many beginners prefer the comfort of their home. Maybe you can relate? Once you set up your workout space, and find a great program you like, we bet taking out those workout shoes to exercise will become a lot easier. If you want to work out more consistently and save time, a home workout space is a must-have.

Make A Space In Your House For Your Workouts

Creating a home workout set up requires some open space. You can use your living room or garage for this set up. If you don’t have any permanent free room for this, then find a place that you can easily clear and make ready for your daily workouts. This could be a basement, open terrace, or playroom. Once you find a place make sure to remove the junk and make the workout space as big as possible. It will give you a great feeling each time you enter this space for a workout without having to move a lot of things each time.

It won’t take a lot of space from your house to make this set up nor need any special electrical set-ups. If you plan properly, you can get a pretty good home gym on your budget. If you have a smaller space, then you can maximize the outputs by selecting proper equipment. The American Council on Exercise suggests a 20 to 50 sq. feet of space is required for free weight workouts.

Properly setting up your space also depends on what type of workout you’re doing. If you are doing just yoga or Pilates, you do not need much room. You can lay down on your mat and just start practicing. The HIIT cardio workouts on a stationary bike can also be done with relatively little space. But for other workouts that have you moving around (like CrossFit and aerobic classes) you may need a bigger space, and possibly anti-slip mats.

Decorate Your Workout Space For A Great Atmosphere

No one wants to go to a dungeon every day. You should make sure your workout space atmosphere is great. Stepping into your workout space and getting ready to work out should not feel like punishment! Use good lighting and mirrors in your room to give it a real gym feel.

Place posters with inspirational workout quotes. You can even use a computer or TV screen with pre-set quotations for each day of the week! Use imagery of your favourite fitness person to motivate you in each of your workout. Imagery is a little used, yet valuable fitness tool for beginners. You may feel funny with some of these, but according to experts it is proven that it will keep your motivation up, and your progress swift. For yoga, you can also use essential oils, Palo Santo incense sticks, or candles.

Us A Mirror To Great Advantage

Having a mirror in your workout space is a great asset in not only getting motivated but also keeping an eye on the minute changes happening to your body shape. It also helps in noticing the minor imperfection in shape while performing specific exercises.

As mentioned earlier about the importance of having proper lighting, a mirror will enhance the lighting if you use one in your workout space. It will also give your room an elegant look matching what feels like you’re in a gym.

Select A Great Playlist

Music has an immense role to play in workouts and motivation. It can make the exercise feel easierimprove your mood and can distract you from pain. Consider having a proper set up for music in your workout area. Then select a custom playlist for each of your sessions. You can install a home sound system or manage it with your phone.

A good choice of music should be the one you enjoy the most, but it should also not distract you from the purpose of your workout. Use upbeat music to feel energized during your sessions. Look for motivational lyrics to inspire you to push your limits. Select the track depending upon your workouts — music for a cardio workout may differ from a playlist for a strength training routine.

Make Your Space Clutter Free With Proper Storage

You should have proper storage in place so that your room doesn’t look clumsy. You should also try not to waste a lot of space on storage. Sturdy storage boxes can double as training tools (for instance, you can use them for box jumps and push-up variations). If you are following an online training program that demonstrates workouts with videos, then consider using a wall mounted television with storage for your DVDs. It will also help in organizing your music DVDs as well.

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Look into proper equipment in your home gym set up

Have the best and most cost-effective equipment for your home gym space. You should consider having exercise mats, resistance bands, dumbbells, kettle bells, Jump ropes, gliding discs, stability balls. Additionally, you can also have a suspension training system if your budget allows it. The resistance band exercise will be effective equipment for your home gym. With this one piece of equipment you can do a variety of workouts from beginner to advanced levels and it’s easy to store as well.

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Our team is always looking for new evidence-based ways to get in shape. We've squeezed them all in our smart workout app that gets you in shape faster using science.
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