How To Save Time With The Right Marketing Tools

How To Save Time With The Right Marketing Tools


All savvy marketers know that digital marketing is essential to success. Without it, you’ll miss out on new leads that are essential to growing your business. Learning how to automate your email marketing is one way to up your marketing game along with these other ideas and online tools.

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All savvy marketers know that digital marketing is essential to success. Without it, you’ll miss out on new leads that are essential to growing your business. Learning how to automate your email marketing is one way to up your marketing game along with these other ideas and online tools.

Five Ways to Make Your Digital Marketing Better

Most likely you will find yourself overwhelmed by the number of to-do tasks on your marketing list, especially if your business is small. Following these five tips will make the job much easier.

1. Plan Ahead

Map out what you want to promote for the entire year. You can’t suddenly decide two weeks before Father’s Day, for example, that you need to tie in a promotion. Devise a calendar for the entire year and plug in enough advance time to make your marketing effective.

2. Rely on Experts

Just as your marketing efforts have different components, so should you have different experts for each portion. Using Omnisend for email automation services will make your email marketing more efficient and more effective because we know how to get the most out of our niche. Use the strengths of all of your experts to create cohesive campaigns.

3. Make Use of Technology

You may be thinking to yourself, “I already do that.” Sure, you’re using a computer and a cellphone, you have a website, so what more do you need to do? Frankly, you can do a lot more.

The internet is literally full of websites that can help you make easier work of your marketing efforts. Consider these:

  • BuzzSumo for generating blogs and social media ideas
  • HubSpot’s Topic Generator to devise catchy headlines
  • Canva, which uses design templates to make your posts eye-catching
  • Wistia for creating ad-free, optimized videos
  • Lumen5 for creating videos and content from your blog posts and eye-catching videos to populate your instagram and Facebook stories

4. Automation Makes Your Life Easier

Automating many of your online marketing tasks will not only save you time but they will relieve stress, allowing you to do perform other tasks essential to your business. If your website is on the WordPress platform, many of the available plug-ins will automatically post links to new blogs to RSS feeds and social media and in email blasts when you publish a new blog. Other automation tools to try include:

  • Brand 24, to get real-time updates on where your brand is mentioned on the web along with data analytics that characterizes which channels are producing the best results
  • TARS, a chatbot that automatically answers frequently asked questions in real time

5. Keep Your Ideas Fresh

One way to save time with your digital marketing efforts is to maintain a running list of ideas. Idea generation is an area that often trips up brands and can stop your marketing efforts in its tracks because you’ve run out of possibilities. Once you start doing this, you’ll find the process easier.

Instances happen virtually every day that will spur an idea that you can add to your list. Pay attention when customers ask questions, new products have been released or something significant has happened in your industry. Put these ideas in a shared folder so you and everyone else on your marketing staff can share them and brainstorm.

Add Omnisend to the Mix

Digital marketing isn’t as time-consuming as you may think when you have the right partners. By using Omnisend to automate your email marketing and using these tips, you’ll streamline your marketing process and realize more conversions that will result in higher sales.

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