How To Save Money On Children’s Clothes

How To Save Money On Children’s Clothes


If you have children, you’ll know that they grow at a rapid rate. One minute they’re a baby, and then, in the blink of an eye, they’re a full blown toddler babbling and totting around at their own free will. It seems like you can barely keep up, especially in terms of clothes. The good news is, it is possible to save a lot of money on children’s clothes. Read on to find out more.

Various baby clothes on a clothes rail
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If you have children, you’ll know that they grow at a rapid rate. One minute they’re a baby, and then, in the blink of an eye, they’re a full blown toddler babbling and totting around at their own free will. It seems like you can barely keep up, especially in terms of clothes.

Nothing seems to fit for long. At the start of the month they might fit into a jumper, and by the end of the month the sleeves could be up to their elbows. If you feel like you’re always buying new clothes, that’s because you probably are. Over the months and years, the price of all the clothes can really add up, and when you’ve got endless toys, food and equipment to buy, something has to give.

The good news is, it is possible to save a lot of money on children’s clothes. Read on to find out more.

Size Up

Sizing up when buying children’s clothes is the oldest trick in the book, but it really does work. You can always take clothes in or roll them up if they’re massively big, but for the most part, no one will look at a child in clothes that are too large and frown upon them. In contrast, put your child in clothes that are too small and you’ll certainly get some looks, mostly from your child who might be a touch uncomfortable.

Rather than only sizing up one size, go two or three sizes up. Children tend to undergo growth spurts which see them grow a lot in a short space of time, so even if their clothes drown them initially, they won’t be too big for too long. This means you don’t need to worry about going clothes shopping every month, and instead you can get away with going every three or four months, instead.


The second oldest trick in the book when you’re looking for children’s clothes is to beg, borrow and steal from loved ones who have outgrown their old things. There are some clothes where it’s tradition to pass them through the generations, such is the case with christening dresses or first communion dresses. It’s not just heirlooms that can be handed down, though.

You likely have friends and family members who will gladly donate some of their old casual baby clothes to you for free, and the good thing is, they probably have clothes from every age range. You can exchange clothes in bulk or you can pop round for a cup of tea and have a browse. No busy shops, no trips to town with a small child, and best of all, no spending money.

Children's Baby Grows

Adjustable Clothes

Not all clothes are created equal. Some are a one-and-done affair, whilst others have more to give in the way of being adjustable. If you can, buy adjustable clothes! This mostly applies to bottoms such as trousers and skirts, so whilst it won’t be much use on top, you’ll still be able to save money by buying 50% of your child’s outfit less frequently.

Typically, adjustable clothes have elastics with buttonholes in that can be moved along every inch your child’s waist grows. This means you can say goodbye to struggling to get the front button to meet, and your child need suffer no more with clothes that dig in after every meal.

Share your tips

Do you have any tips for saving money on children’s clothes? Perhaps you’re part of a mum group who do swaps on a regular basis, or maybe you have spent years perfecting your crafty habits. Whatever it might be, share it below!

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