How To Overcome IT Business Decision Making Challenges


Strategy, prioritization, delegation, best practices, and documentation. All five will be briefly explored here to help you figure out how to best apply such tactics to your business. Granted, these five pillars aren’t the totality of strategy, but they do represent general commonality among businesses facing the decision making challenges which go hand-in-hand with IT operations and their unique challenges.

How To Overcome IT Business Decision Making Challenges
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Strategy, Prioritization Delegation, Best Practices, Documentation

The five concepts in the subheading of this section basically answer the question of how to overcome the biggest IT decision making challenges: strategy, prioritization, delegation, best practices, and documentation. All five will be briefly explored here to help you figure out how to best apply such tactics to your business.

Granted, these five pillars aren’t the totality of strategy, but they do represent general commonality among businesses facing the decision making challenges which go hand-in-hand with IT operations and their unique challenges.


Inform IT business management strategy from multiple sources. On one hand, you want to use best practices internally verified. On the other, you want to learn from competitors. The third component in this approach will involve developing strategy as you encounter new relevant information to a given challenge. Planning, incorporation, and optimization should define strategy design.


You need to ensure you don’t send your whole operation to fix a problem which can be put on the back-burner while you deal with something more important. It’s integral to prioritize tasks carefully. Automation of tertiary systems can be key here.

Additionally, consider using technology to phase out internal departments when they’re not necessary. Freeing up resources reduces how impacting common IT challenges will be.


Strategic prioritization will involve delegation of tasks to appropriate individuals at appropriate times during regular operations. Some of your team will be more suited to certain tasks than others. But it’s not just personnel delegation you need to consider: in IT, there are multiple network options today. Internal server arrays are one family of network facilitation, cloud computing is another.

Delegation of computational operation will be part of your IT management strategy. Sometimes you may want to use internal design solutions for your software, but sometimes there are cloud options that are better. It will differ per business, strategic and prioritized delegation will help show you the right way to proceed here.


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Best Practices

Incorporate known best practices during initial planning stages of varying projects across your tech company. As you pursue these projects, you’ll discover which best practices are more or less definitive of your particular business. Sometimes what works for a competitor won’t work for you—but sometimes it will. This raises an interesting point: you can inform operations from without.

It’s worthwhile to have some echelon of operations delegated to sourcing new solutions to common issues. Competitive edge can be facilitated by technology and superior product development, but it can also be brought about through carefully managing business practices toward their greatest effectiveness. Such an approach is primed to overcome diverse challenges.


Documentation stemming from strategic prioritization, delegation, and best practices implementation will help you develop IT cost assessment and Benchmarking targets that are achievable. It’s no use trying to become a billionaire “unicorn” business right out the gate. Zuckerberg likely had such hopes with Facebook, but this wasn’t his focus.

His focus was creating a viable product which functioned as intended, and continuing to optimize that product to overcome developing challenges. Documentation will help you to determine how effective the varying aspects of your business plan are. Additionally, you can refer back to documentation in the fullness of time to identify whether future plans are more or less likely to fail.

Overcoming The Preponderance Of IT Challenges

IT challenges are multifaceted. Moore’s Law and the related pace-setting issues it raises weren’t even addressed here, but they will constitute a continuous driving force behind your tech business. Generally, you want to incorporate the most efficient operational protocols to overcome common challenges.

Strategically approach each issue. Prioritize operations accordingly and delegate tasks to the right people. Incorporate best practices from within and without, continuously upgrading them, and ensure you effectively document all you do for posterity and optimization purposes. An approach like this should help you maximize the operational effectiveness of your tech business.

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