How To Live A Healthier Life And Improve Your Lifestyle

How To Live A Healthier Life And Improve Your Lifestyle


The key to improving your lifestyle and actually transforming your health goals into reality is to take intentional steps that you can commit to in the long run. Change cannot happen overnight; instead, it needs to materialize through intentional tweaks and small steps over time. Here are a few measures you can implement to improve your lifestyle and take a step towards better health.

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Living a healthier lifestyle may seem like an unattainable mission when you’re constantly surrounded by complex health fads that demand too much from day one. In fact, we’ve all seen countless health-driven public figures on social media and secretly wondered how to mimic that drive and composure in our own lifestyles.

How many times have you started that salad diet or new workout routine and then quit it at the seemingly daunting task of turning your own life around?

The key to improving your lifestyle and actually transforming your health goals into reality is to take intentional steps that you can commit to in the long run. Change cannot happen overnight; instead, it needs to materialize through intentional tweaks and small steps over time.

Here are a few measures you can implement to improve your lifestyle and take a step towards better health.

Exercise Daily

One of the easiest ways to implement an everyday exercise routine is to pick a form of movement you look forward to and can dedicate 20-40 minutes to, consistently. Exercise can come in many forms, such as upbeat dance classes, yoga sessions, working with a personal trainer, or going for daily runs.

However, when you’re building this habit, it’s necessary to pay attention to your body’s limits and needs. As your body adapts to this new habit, you may experience blisters, muscle aches, or corns; some runners may even experience foot warts.

If these changes occur, make time to care for your body. Whether it’s massaging sore muscles after an intense hike, or treating foot warts – it’s essential to administer appropriate medical care on time to avoid injuries later.

Limit Screen Time

With technology permeating almost every aspect of our lives, so much of what we do takes place in a digital space. From sending work emails and coordinating online meetings to sharing little slices of our life on social media and following current events – we spend a worrying amount of time on screens.

This can have devastating effects on our mental and emotional well-being. Letting your screen time go unchecked into the late hours of the night can also disturb your circadian rhythm and hamper the quality of your sleep, which is why monitoring your screen time and consciously distancing yourself from the digital space is a healthy practice to consider implementing.

Regular Health Scans

While we’re all quite familiar with regular medical checkups, it’s also possible to scan our bodies for invisible signs that are affecting the quality of our lives. Through a bioenergetic scan, information about what is contained in our cells is revealed. Such a scan would contain data regarding the impact of all kinds of things we come into contact with – from toxins, and viruses to emotions and possible stressors.

Since these factors have the power to affect the quality of our lives and the energy that flows through us, they are important when taking stock of changes we may want to implement. Modern science has finally made it possible to obtain this biological information and put it to good use.

Meal Planning

A major aspect of leading a healthier lifestyle has to do with the food you put into your body. Try to eliminate processed and packaged food that isn’t nutritious, and incorporate healthy yet delicious meals into your routine. One way to do this is through meal planning.

Healthy Habits Series: Habit 2 – The Importance Of Meal Planning
Menu planning just isn't for those of use who are looking to keep track of our diets, if you manage your meal plans you'll be able to save money and help the environment too.

Over the weekend, plan your menu for the coming week and shop for groceries accordingly. Clean and chop produce and prepare a big dish that you can reheat over a few days to reduce your cooking time. This will allow you to make intentional and healthy purchases, cutting down the chances of impulse buys due to cravings or poor planning.

Free Download: FlipMealPlan Free Printable Meal Planner
Planning meals is a sure-fire way to start eating in a healthier way with better variety, getting your five a day, allowing you to control portions and track what you eat. The FlipMealPlan is a simple free printable meal planner that lets you plan

Fill Your Emotional Bucket

A group of young women smiling with their arms linked

Image Source: Priscilla Du Preez on

Stepping towards a healthier life includes looking after your mental and emotional health as much as your physical health. You can restore and refill your emotional bucket by spending quality time with your loved ones as often as you can. After all, the people who know us the most are also often the very same people who can help us reach our goals and be the best versions of ourselves.

Consider planning fulfilling activities that allow you to reconnect with old friends who make you feel inspired and capable. If you’re not able to meet your loved ones immediately, looking through old pictures is also an effective way to evoke fond memories and perhaps realign yourself with a happier and healthier version of yourself.


The best way to measure your progress is by looking inward and making moments for intentional mindfulness in your day. A useful tool to apply this step is through cultivating a habit of journaling every morning and listing things you’re grateful for.

7 Habits: Habit 7 – Sharpen The Saw : Principles of balanced Self-Renewal
Habit 7 is all about managing the lessons we learned in Habits 1 through 5 and how to ensure that we keep ourselves healthy and balanced.

Doing this is also important to figure out if your journey towards cultivating a healthy lifestyle is working, or whether it needs to be tweaked and adjusted.

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1 thought on “How To Live A Healthier Life And Improve Your Lifestyle

  1. This article provides valuable insights and practical tips for anyone looking to enhance their well-being and lifestyle. From adopting healthier habits to making positive choices, it's a great guide to a more balanced and fulfilling life.

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