How To Have The Most Organized Christmas In Half The Time
During this season we are admiring every moment. Reflecting on the past year, thinking about what we are thankful for and cherishing these festive times with loved ones. To get to these unforgettable times, there are several steps it takes to get there. Some people begin preparing for the holidays weeks to months in advance, with others scrambling to get everything together more abruptly. In this article we’ll give you some tips on how to stay organised this Christmas

During this season we are admiring every moment. Reflecting on the past year, thinking about what we are thankful for and cherishing these festive times with loved ones. To get to these unforgettable times, there are several steps it takes to get there. Some people begin preparing for the holidays weeks to months in advance, with others scrambling to get everything together more abruptly.
We are now halfway through December and Christmas day is right around the corner. Every year the holidays come in a flash and it can be hard to stay prepared for the upcoming traditions. Are you all ready? Is the Christmas tree up and decorated? Are the stocking hung? Is dinner planned? Is the holiday baking completed? If the answer is no, no need to get stressed. Step back, and focus on these few holiday-related responsibilities that should be at the top of your priority list going forward.
Take Inventory of Decor
If the halls aren’t decked, it is time to take a look at your holiday decor. Take one evening you have free to gather all of your festive supplies and take an inventory of what you own. For some, the most important items include a Christmas tree, ornaments, string lights, and stockings. The amount of decor you wish to display depends on how much time you have until Christmas, too. If you are only looking to have some staple items out, take a quick look at everything you have. This will help you realize if anything has been damaged from being stored, or if you don’t have something that you wish to decorate with. There are many different options of Christmas decor out there, but all that matters is the upgrade applied to your space to bring you joy and cheer.
Buy Gifts and Immediately Wrap Them
Another tip for staying on top of the countdown to Christmas is wrapping presents immediately after you purchase them. If you have been getting gifts for a while now, you might be behind on your wrapping. When you buy gifts, do you hide them in a closet or separate room? Whomever you give gifts to, keep track of the items and wrap as you go! This will prevent you from having a colossal of Christmas gifts hiding, waiting to be wrapped. However, if you are someone who prefers to wrap everything at once, take a look at your schedule and ensure you can schedule a time in less than a week to get that completed!
Write and Send Cards
If your list of friends and family is lengthy, writing Christmas cards can be a time-consuming task. As we are well into December, Christmas cards should be going out sooner than later. You can find some tips on writing Christmas cards here. Going forward, take some time each night to work on them. This will be a good opportunity to help you wind down, as well as chip away at them one by one. Sometimes sending them later is delightful, because you elongate the holiday cheer if a loved one receives your card a day or two after Christmas.
Have A Delivery Plan In Place
Getting your gifts to their recipients is a crucial aspect of Christmas that likely stresses you out. Therefore, have a delivery plan in place this year to make your Christmas more organized and less stressful. You can plan and purchase presents for people you won’t see during the holidays first. Then, consider early delivery so you can take them around to the right people before the Christmas season is in full swing. Additionally, if you will be shipping gifts to friends and family members in the UK or abroad, select the right courier service, parcel delivery company to ensure that everyone receives their presents on time and in one piece.
Buy Perishable Groceries
If you host for the holidays and plan to serve delicious meals, you’re now in the time frame where you can start buying groceries that won’t go bad before Christmas day. Start by making a menu. Contact attendees and see if they are going to bring anything to have a good idea of what dishes you need to make for dinner. Then, take an inventory of what you already have and write down what you don’t so that next time you go grocery shopping you can get the items that you are missing. And guess what? Some dishes, like green bean casserole, can be prepared in advance. Assemble the ingredients, store in the fridge, and take it out when you are ready to cook!
There is a giant amount of pressure when it comes to the holiday season. We feel it if preparing a month ahead of time or a few days before. No matter what, there are expectations that we wish to achieve each year. It is important to not let the pressure get the best of us and focus on being productive, no matter how much time we have left. Get your holiday responsibilities done when your schedule allows, and do not stress. Christmas will be here soon, and all you will have to worry about is enjoying your loved ones.