Happy International Strange Music Day
Today is “International Strange Music Day” and I thought it would be fun to bring it to your attention. We’ve written in the past about how music can improve your productivity, help you to focus and even improve your health and that’s why I thought International Strange Music Day would be a great topic for today.

Today is “International Strange Music Day” and I thought it would be fun to bring it to your attention.
We’ve written in the past about how music can improve your productivity, help you to focus and even improve your health and that’s why I thought International Strange Music Day would be a great topic for today.
What Is “International Strange Music Day”?
“International Strange Music Day” (I’m just going to call it ISMD from now on!) was founded in 1997 by New York based musician Patrick Grant as a way to promote his latest album. It steadily grew in popularity and by 2002 it had made its way to Europe making it an “International Day”.
ISMD aims to broaden your musical horizons. How many times do you open up your music app and just play the same few tracks, playlists or get suggested songs by the same artists and genres over and over again?
How Do You Take Part?
ISMD asks you to take a chance on an album, artist or genre that you wouldn’t normally listen to. It doesn’t have to be way out there thrash metal (although it could be if you’d like), pick some classical music and if that’s not 100% your thing how about a film or game soundtrack (I’ve really got into the soundtracks from Halo and Destiny at the moment).
You should pick some music that fits the task that you’re doing, for example the thrash metal example wouldn’t work really well if you’re researching a paper but it would be great if you’re cleaning or exercising.
I’ve just discovered Kevin Graham thanks to some background music on a YouTube video so will probably be listening to him all day. So what will you be listening to? Let me know in the comments below!
Thanks for the article, you always provide such cool posts and article. Great job!