Hacks For The Dedicated Marketing Manager

Hacks For The Dedicated Marketing Manager


Working in digital marketing can be an extremely rewarding career choice, particularly if you are a creative individual, or have a flair for the written word. While you may be building up your skills, or even have found some ways to make yourself (and your work) stand out from the crowd, there are other things you can use to better manage your time and increase productivity.

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Working in digital marketing can be an extremely rewarding career choice, particularly if you are a creative individual, or have a flair for the written word. While you may be building up your skills, or even have found some ways to make yourself (and your work) stand out from the crowd, there are other things you can use to better manage your time and increase productivity.

Digital Asset Management

Digital Asset Management software, which you can find on bynder.com, allows you to store and access all your digital assets within one dedicated system. This means you can create and edit images while being able to share them directly with your colleagues, removing the need for tedious image searching or email attachments.

You can also alter the confidentiality level of your files, giving access to either all your colleagues, or simply a select few. This can help when working with sensitive material that has yet to be released.

When it comes to publishing your content, no matter the way, you can also use this management system to add your own branding. This may be a company logo, or your own personal watermark if appropriate – DAM allows users to easily abide by brand guidelines.

Using A Calendar

Throughout the year, you may have many marketing events and deadlines to meet. As the amount of work on your pile rises, the likelihood of you making an error or forgetting something can also increase. This is why using a calendar can be a great idea.

Putting in deadlines, and even work to do prior can help keep you on track, as well as showing you where your busiest periods are likely to be. This can help you to acknowledge whether or not you have time for more work, as well as if you need to speak to another member of your team about sharing the workload.

You may even be able to synchronize your calendar with your business smartphone, allowing you to remain in control of your time even when on the go.

Engaging Content

When you work in the marketing industry, it isn’t just the images that need to be of a high standard. You also want to make sure any written text holds correct grammar, spelling, and punctuation, as well as it being written for its target audience. This means that some language for a product to appeal to younger people may not be suitable for a separate campaign targeting older generations. Taking the time to consider your target audience before creating content is key.

On top of this, you can also run spelling and grammar checks on your work, as this can help to improve how people perceive your company as a whole.

It is possible for you to find a great deal of success as a marketing manager. By always looking to improve the quality of your work, as well as those that you manage, and find ways to make your working day more efficient, you will be able to gain the respect of those around you.

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