What Should You Put Inside A Business Presentation Folder

What Should You Put Inside A Business Presentation Folder


An attractive presentation folder is a great way to make a good first impression. But for the second impression, what do you put in it? Although it largely depends on your audience and your goals, there are a few basics you may want to make sure you have in there.

Two blue presentation folders
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An attractive presentation folder is a great way to make a good first impression. But for the second impression, what do you put in it? Although it largely depends on your audience and your goals, there are a few basics you may want to make sure you have in there.

Business Cards

A good old-fashioned business card is still the most personal way to introduce a potential client to your businesses. Business cards remind the people you meet about your business and what it does. So, you want to make sure to plan for them when you select and design your presentation folder. You may opt to make sure your card is front and center by adding a business card slit to one of your folder’s pockets.

Informational Sheets

Your business isn’t sitting still. As you grow, develop, and expand your offerings, locations, and personnel, a presentation folder offers the flexibility to endlessly customize your presentation. You can add compelling case studies, charts, infographics, press releases, price lists, event calendars, or flyers promoting your newest products. Throw in a list of locations or introductions to your team. The possibilities for what you can put in a folder pocket to promote your business are almost endless.

One way to add a lot of information to a presentation folder in a clear, organized way that helps the reader find just what they want is to print it on tiered sheets called stepped folder inserts.


Even with the advent of ecommerce sites that are rich with images and information, people still like to thumb through an attractive catalog. It’s a tactile experience. The pictures are fun to look at. And, most importantly, people still buy based on them.

Far from being a marketing dinosaur, the modern catalog design can combine the best of magazines – big pictures, snappy editorial – with an interactive experience, using QR codes or other features to guide the reader to a more in-depth digital presentation.

If you’re including a catalog in your presentation, make sure you select a folder with a pocket that really shows it off.


Like catalogs, notepads are another item people tend to keep around. And they’re useful. They remain popular because whether your customer uses them to jot notes or grocery lists, they’re looking at your business’ name each time they do it. If it’s sitting on their desk, their associates and clients might also see it.

While you’re at it, you might throw in a branded pen!


A brochure can be the ultimate brand statement. Available in myriad shapes and sizes, they give a prospective customer a vivid snapshot of your company and its offerings. Good brochure design deftly combines branding elements such as colors, images, artwork and messaging with product and service information and contact details.

The key to a good brochure design is clarity – start with a clear brand statement and an image that reinforces it. Make sure it includes all the ways a customer can find you – address, phone, url, social media. And include a coupon or a call to action that gives them a next step to take after they read the brochure.

Choosing a Business Presentation Folder

Presentation folders with a picture of a cruise ship on the cover

Once you know what you’re going to put in your marketing folder, you need to pick a folder. There are many choices, so here are several factors to consider when selecting:


Your presentation folder should easily accommodate your largest materials, with just a little extra space. So, if you have letter-size (8.5”x11”) materials, a 9”x12” folder would be perfect.


Folders are available in all kinds of configurations. You can get different sizes and orientations of pockets that are useful for different kinds of materials and messaging, as well as slits that hold business cards or brochures.

Number Of Pockets

Folders are available with 1, 2, and 3 pockets. Your choice is going to depend on the quantity of paper you’re putting in the folder and the presentation you want to make. For example, even if you don’t have a lot of material, you may want to divide it between 2 or 3 pockets to display more of your content.

Printed Sides

The materials in your folder are just part of the presentation. Designed properly, the folder itself can make a big impact. Many businesses opt for custom folders so they can select where they want to print – the pockets, the covers, the inside panels.


A well-designed business folder with the right contents can be a powerful tool for connecting with your customers. To make the most of it, you may want to work with a professional designer to make sure you end up with a folder that both represents your brand and accommodates your carefully chosen materials.

Featured Image & Post Image: Supplied by the author
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