The David Allen Collection is Released – Pricey? You Bet!

The David Allen Collection is Released – Pricey? You Bet!


David Allen has just announced the launch of the David Allen Collection, a range of “Beautiful Leather Desk Accessories Designed by David Allen and manufactured by Fedon of Italy!”. Sounds too good to be true right? Well, you know what they say “If it sounds to good to be true….”

David Allen Collection
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David Allen has just announced the launch of the David Allen Collection, a range of “Beautiful Leather Desk Accessories Designed by David Allen and manufactured by Fedon of Italy!“. Sounds too good to be true right? Well, you know what they say “If it sounds to good to be true….”

I had a quick look at the store and the prices are astronomical; $85 (approx £44) for a leather bound folio and a couple of graph paper pads (which you could pick up for about £15 at Staples); $99 – Yes! $99 for a desk tray. A desk Tray!

David Allen Vision Collection

David Allen Collection “Vision” Set  – A bargain at only $835

Talk about cashing in on a name.

Do people seriously think that these items will be any better than those bought from Office Depot or Wal*Mart? Do they they that they’ll be able to get more done?


It’s not the tool you use, it’s the way that you use it

Sure, a £45 document wallet may look a heck of a lot flashier than the one from Tesco, but a PDA looks flashier than a Moleskine. What does it matter if it sits unused in a draw (which reminds me, I really need to get my PDA out of the draw!)?

I apologise somewhat for the rant-ish nature of this post but I was just so shocked at the cost of these items I had to vent. I know they’re probably not aimed at a lowly web developer like myself (and I know that the pads of paper are cheap-ish if you like that kind of thing) but rather the CEO of MegaCorp, but sill, you would have thought something in there would contain a real-world price.

Mind you, if you have a company credit card I suppose you don’t care about the cost…

About The Author
Katy is always trying to be more productive one day at a time! Whether it's analogue, digital, motivational or psychological who'll try any system that will help her get things done and get organised. As well as running, she also loves making music and reviewing things.
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