Top 10 Posts of 2014
As we start the new year, I’d like to take this opportunity to take a look back over the last 12 months to see what you guys have been looking at. This is a nice indicator to see what you’re interested in and may lead me into post ideas for the future. Most of these posts were written quite some time ago as I’ve only just gotten into blogging again but I still think they work even now. So, from lowest to highest rated in terms of hits, here are the top 10 Flipping Heck! posts of 2014 and a brief bit on why I think they still stand the test of time.

As we start the new year, I’d like to take this opportunity to take a look back over the last 12 months to see what you guys have been looking at. This is a nice indicator to see what you’re interested in and may lead me into post ideas for the future.
Most of these posts were written quite some time ago as I’ve only just gotten into blogging again but I still think they work even now.
So, from lowest to highest rated in terms of hits, here are the top 10 Flipping Heck! posts of 2014 and a brief bit on why I think they still stand the test of time.
10) My Killer GTD Setup
This post is in need of some serious revision as I’ve moved to a mainly online setup now but I guess people are still into the hands on, tactile feel of notebooks for their organisation.
9) 7 Habits: Habit 6 – Synergise
This is the first of Stephen Covey’s 7 Habits (affiliate link) on the list, which I find surprising. Even after first writing about these 6 years ago, Covey is more popular than the main topic of this blog “Getting Things Done”!
8) Getting Things Done With Thunderbird
However, speaking of “Getting Things Done” (affiliate link), I think we have come to loathe Outlook, with its bloated nature and faux project management capabilities. There are now so many alternatives out there that hook into exchange and Thunderbird is one of them.
Thunderbird is a brilliant free alternative that can do as little or as much as you want depending on the extensions you have installed.
7) Writing Good Meeting Minutes Revisited
This post came about after writing my free e-book (get your free copy by subscribing to my newsletter) and the popularity of the first post I wrote about writing minutes. As more and more of us take on dual roles at the office, it is no longer the remit of the departmental secretary to take notes on any and all meetings that go on – we’re all left to our own devices. This series helps you to learn the best way to take notes, manage meetings and circulate them after the fact.
6) 7 Habits 2 : Start With The End In Mind
More Covey in the top 10, this time it’s his second habit that makes the list. So we all like to visualise our own funerals – how morbid!
5) Can you wake up easier in the morning? Yes! (Sort of)
This has suddenly rushed into the top 10 in the last 2 weeks or so. Maybe we’re all trying to figure out how to get up easier in the mornings over the festive period?
4) Grocery Shopping Hack: Weekly Shopping Lists
Again, a late surge saw this drop in to the top 10 thanks to hits in December. With the dreaded Christmas shop, I’m not surprised!
3) 7 Habits 4 : Think Win/Win
Apparently all of you guys have a winning personality!?!
2) Writing Meeting Minutes – Meeting Mate v3
This has seen a steady amount of hits over the last 12 months. I can say I blame people needing a little help with note taking and minutes.
1) 7 Habits – Habit 5 : Seek first to understand then to be understood
It surprised me that Habit 5 was the top of Stephen Covey’s most popular habits. But then looking at the habit and its content I can understand it. We all seek to be understood by those around us, and as a result understand them too.
It’s interesting to see what you guys have been interested in in the last 12 months. I hope that I write some interesting content in 2015 that may overtake the popularity of Stephen Covey… maybe!
Have a great 2015, may you be happy and productive.
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