How-To Guide: Introducing Your Children To Music

How-To Guide: Introducing Your Children To Music


If you want to introduce your children to music, it’s never too early to start — even if they’re still in the womb! Music is a great emotional and creative outlet for children of all ages, with many other benefits that will help them develop life skills for the future. Learn more about why you should introduce your child to music and how you should do it here!

A young child listening to headphones
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If you want to introduce your children to music, it’s never too early to start — even if they’re still in the womb! Music is a great emotional and creative outlet for children of all ages, with many other benefits that will help them develop life skills for the future.

Learn more about why you should introduce your child to music and how you should do it here!

The Benefits Of Music

Whether it’s learning to play an instrument, writing songs, or just having an appreciation for the art, music can has been shown to have numerous benefits, including:

  • Improve long-term memory and recall
  • Providing an outlet for processing emotions
  • Increase cognitive skills
  • Enhancing motor skills and coordination

Having these skills can enrich your child’s life and help them navigate the world. The earlier you introduce your child to music, the easier it is for them to internalize and understand concepts such as tempo and rhythm, counting in time, and building a sense of accountability and discipline.

Music Introduction At Every Age

So what tools do you use to introduce children to music at every age? Check out this timeline for a breakdown.

From Six Months to A Year Old

A music box by their crib or music playing while they’re spending time with mom is a simple and easy way to start. You can also find some mom-and-baby classes that take kids as young as eight months. These classes require active participation — mostly from parents — but they do provide a set amount of time each day for a child to immerse themselves in music.

From Three to Four Years Old

At this age, your child is at the ideal point to start learning about rhythm and counting. Most music classes you’ll find are conducted in small groups and last about 30 minutes. They may involve props, dancing, and singing to engage your toddlers as much as possible and keep them interested while teaching them the basics without involving parents.

Between Ages Five and Seven

Young person playing the piano

Image Source: Siniz Kim on

This is the age when it’s time to introduce instruments or singing lessons, integrating activities like games and crafts into the sessions. Piano and keyboard lessons are typically the easiest options for children at this age, but introductory wind instruments, like the recorder, are also an option.

When they’re over the age of five, children have the capacity to learn and understand very basic music theory, like what notes are or where each key lies on the piano.

Over Age Seven

If your children are just getting started, the piano and recorder are still the easiest instruments. However, some may prefer more challenging options, like guitar, drums, or violin. Children who have previous experience with piano have an easier time picking up more complex instruments.

Pre-Teen Years

If you weren’t proactive in bringing music to your child before this point, that’s OK! Even pre-teens with no experience can explore music appreciation, especially when taught in a group with their friends. This is also the ideal age to start private lessons if a child shows a special interest in a particular instrument.

Tips For Making Music Part Of Your Routine

Sometimes, getting children excited about music can feel like a battle, so finding ways to make music part of your routine can help overcome their resistance. Dive into these tips and make music a more integral part of your life!

Interactive & Physical

Have dance parties that encourage your children to express themselves and sing along to songs they already know and love. If your child likes to draw or write, have them listen to an instrumental piece of music and write or draw what they think the song is saying.

Listen To Different Genres

Your child may not appreciate music because they haven’t found a genre they like. Make it a point to explore different genres, like jazz, rock, classical music, New Age, world culture, and so many more. You might find yourself learning something new too!

Play Music Games

There are plenty of music games that can excite and engage your children. From “Name That Tune” to “Musical Chairs,” all you need to do is find a way to have fun in order to encourage your child to participate.

Are You Ready?

Has this list given you some ideas for introducing your children to music? Start rocking out together in the car, singing lullabies before bed, and jamming out on all the instruments they’re learning how to play to enjoy the benefits of music and bond as a family! Maybe, one day, your child will end up with a career in music.

About The Author
Marshall Bone is a freelance writer and music enthusiast that started learning guitar at a very young age. His passion for music has lead him to write many digital pieces introducing others to this wonderful world.
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