Weekly Round-Up #155: Gratitude, Managing Stress and It’s Christmas!
In this week’s round-up we look at how important gratitude is, the impact on stress in the workplace – and what you can do about it, and how you can switch off from work at Christmas.

In this week’s round-up we look at how important gratitude is, the impact on stress in the workplace – and what you can do about it, and how you can switch off from work at Christmas.
4 Less Known Ways How Gratitude Will Change Your Life – She Is Fierce
As we move into 2018, we’ll be reflecting on the past year and looking at ways to improve ourselves in the next. When you’re looking at your 2018 goals think about being more grateful – or expressing your gratitude more openly.If you’re not sure what the benefits are then check out this article from She Is Fierce that explains the importance of gratitude.
Reducing Customer Churn: A Complete Guide – hiver
Keeping customers is the most important part business, as well as repeat business, customers can be your biggest champions and help you generate even more revenue. While this article concentrates on SaaS business, the article highlights the impact of customer churn and what you can do to stop it.
The Ultimate List Of Ideas To Practicing Self Care – Positive Health Wellness
There’s been a lot floating around the blogosphere about “self-care”. If you think it’s a faze or a buzzword then take a look at Positive Health Wellness which explains it really well.
9 Daily Rituals To Boost Performance At Work – Pounds To Pocket
If you’re looking to improve your performance at work in the new year then there are 9 daily rituals you can perform to supercharge your career – I’m not sure about the cold shower though!
How To Manage Stress At Work – GetCRM
Workplace stress costs UK Businesses almost £6.5 billion a year. Managing workplace stress – or providing your employees tools to cope with their stress levels – will not only reduce your costs but also improve employee morale and loyalty.
Theme Your Days For Better Time Management – Workweek Zen
I’ve written in the past about batch processing tasks. The idea is that you put all similar tasks together so you can get through them quicker. Workweek Zen takes that a stage further and says that you should batch your entire week instead.
The Remote Workers’ Toolkit: 30+ Productivity Apps And Tools To Help You Work Smarter, Not Harder – Zapier
If you work on the go then you’ll need a robust set of tools to keep you working effectively and productively. Zapier have put together a list of 30 tools that will help you work remotely from things that will help you get connected without wi-fi to security apps and productivity tools.
It’s Christmas!
As this is the last round-up before Christmas I thought I’d take the opportunity to list some of the great Christmas-themed content we’ve had on the blog over the years – enojy!
Christmas Gift Thank-You List – Flipping Heck
It can be difficult to remember who sent what so this handy list will help you keep track of who gave you what gift so you can write a personal thank-you card rather than a generic one.
Five Tips To Switch Off Over The Christmas Holidays – Flipping Heck
During the holidays it can be quite difficult to leave the office behind. Use the 5 tips to help you switch off and relax during the holiday season.
Five Tips To Be More Present This Christmas – Flipping Heck
If you have to be contactable by work or clients over Christmas, it’s important to make sure that it doesn’t have a huge impact on spending time with friends and family. These 5 tips will help you keep on top of work while still allowing you to have time to spend how you want.
How To Stay Productive During The Christmas Season – Flipping Heck
While a lot of people are slowing down over the Christmas break, some of us are still trying to make the most of our time. In this article, Mark Ellis looks at how you can still be productive during the holidays.
How Freelancers Can Take Holidays Without Fear Of Losing Out – Flipping Heck
Our second festive themed article from Mark Ellis takes a look at how Freelancers can still take a break without fear of missing out on work. It’s difficult for a freelancer to know when the next job is going to come along so it can be tempting to take it and not have the same freedom at Christmas as everyone else – but you can!
7 Tips For Coping With Holiday Arguments – Flipping Heck
Christmas is a time of friends and family but, as the alcohol flows, the tensions can rise. In this article we take a look at 7 ways you can difuse or overcome any arguments that may arise.
10 Quick And Simple Christmas Recipes – Flipping Heck
Finally, if you’re looking for a bit of festive fun food (and drink) then these recipes are sure to be a hit – my favourite is the cheese reindeer!
Over To You
Do you have any Christmas tips you’d like to share? drop us a note in the comments.
Until next time, have a Merry Christmas and Stay Productive!
Featured Image: Man in Santa Clause Costume by Bruce Mars on Pexels.com