Five Ways To Win At Office Politics Without Being Bad


We will all have to deal with conflict in the workplace at some point in our career, the question is: How do you deal with it? In this article Adela Belin gives you five tips on what to do if conflict arises in your office and the repercussions of getting too involved.

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Politics is everywhere be it at home, school, university or the workplace. A negative connotation is attached to the word “politics.” Because of this, many hate the word and try to avoid it at any cost. In fact, a lot of people quit their job due to the excessive politics at the workplace.

It is crucial to note that human nature is inherently political, it can’t be changed. Moreover, smart politics can solve a lot of problems which otherwise can result in major issues.

Politics and diplomacy is a tool smart people use to perform and deliver in demanding situations. We spend as much time with co-workers as we do our family and you can bring the principles of a happy relationship to your workplace and help keep the peace.

If you think, you are a victim of politics at the workplace then you need to learn how to handle it and become a winner. Quitting the job will not help as almost all organizations will have some degree of politics so you’ll just be moving from one set of politics to another. Until you change yourself, you can’t get away with ignoring office politics in a hyper-competitive age.

Here is how you can handle office politics without losing your soul.

Stay Focused On Your Goals

Defining your goals and staying focused in order to accomplish these aims is the first step towards winning at the workplace. It will help stay away from unproductive activities, you will feel positive and not indulge in anything which can hamper the chances of realizing your dream.

No matter, which person is saying what about you, if you are determined to achieve your goals, then people will respect you at the workplace.

Know About The Workplace

Knowing who is who in your organization is important. You will get to know about the important people that you shouldn’t cross, and who can be a trusted ally.

Developing relationships strategically with people in important positions will be useful in the future, particularly if you do have conflict with others at some time. Keep a tab on who is going to lunch together, who are invited to important meetings, who knows first about the changes in the organization, etc.

Even with all this information, never take a side as it may be counterproductive. Be an observer and learn about the organization’s people dynamics so that you can get a sense of the situation and take a proactive action when it is needed the most.

Avoid Gossip

Gossiping may help you win some friends in the short term however, in the long run, it ruins all relationships. It creates negative energy in you as well as in the overall work environment so avoid gossiping to keep yourself positive.

If people around you indulge in gossip, then it’s better to stay neutral. Don’t please people by nodding in agreement or showing your support to those who spread rumors and don’t criticize people behind their back. Try to create a positive environment around with your words and actions you despite all the negativities in your colleagues.

Build Broad Relationships

Develop broad relationships and alliances with people all over the organization.

If you can build relationships with different political camps in the company, you will have a good chance to win at the game of politics.

Moreover, if a prominent member of a group leaves the company, you will have decent support and backings from others and you will never be left behind as you’re not relying on one supporter.

Create A Win-Win Situation

Office politics is not always a zero-sum game. If someone wins, don’t mean that others have to lose. Thus, if you want to win the office politics then think about the strategies and actions that will lead to a win-win for everyone. In this way, you will not only win the political game but also win the heart of the people.


Winning office politics is easier said than done. You need to be persistent to learn the art of workplace politics. You may fail sometimes. However, never lose heart or try to escape from challenging situations. Keep fighting – sometimes with yourself and sometimes with others – until you win!

About The Author
Adela Belin is a private educator and a writer at Writers Per Hour. She shares her teaching experience with colleagues, students, and writers. Feel free to contact Adela on G+.
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