Find Music on the Web
Not that I’m codoning this method in any way, shape or form:
In google, type the following into the search bar, replacing [Artist/Album here] with who you’re looking for:
-inurl: (htm|html|php) intitle:”index of” +”last modified” +”parent directory” +description +size +(wma|mp3) “[Artist/Album here]”
It’s amazing what you can find. Madonna’s albums online already and it only came out this morning – and before you ask, no I haven’t downloaded it as I want a proper version (Unless it comes with a DRM RootKit )
“Seems your string of search code has an unhappy face!
🙁 should be : ( (without the space).”
“Thanks! Fixed, I was missing the space.”
“Now, I know you didn;t make this up. Where’d you cull this from?
Someplace like this?“
Which then points to“