How To Dress More Fashionably Every Day: A Guide


How can you can start developing your own sense of style, dress more fashionably and creatively into developing your looks for the day? Read on to find out some of our top tips for being stylish.

A woman wearing a denim jacket an jean shorts
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Fashion can be bought, but style must be developed. The good news is that you can start developing your own sense of style just by aiming to dress more fashionably and putting effort and creativity into developing your looks for the day.

So, where do you get started? With this guide, of course:

Find Your Version Of The Basics

There are many basics out there, including:

  • Jeans
  • Smart pants
  • Button-down shirt
  • Plain T-shirt
  • Blazer
  • And so on

What you may not realize is that each and every one of those “basics” comes in many different shapes and sizes. There is no right or wrong when it comes to finding the best basics for your body and preference. The only thing you do need to worry about is that you put effort into finding the best options for you.

For example, online guides may recommend slim-leg jeans for you based on your body shape, but if you prefer the more relaxed look and put more emphasis on comfort, then your go-to may be boyfriend shorts and pants.

Experiment, try on styles, and don’t buy a basic unless the basic works for you.

Understand The Best Colors That Work For You

Everyone can wear every color. The question is which shades of that color suit your complexion the best. Sometimes, even if you love a color, it just doesn’t work with your skin tone and ends up looking like its wearing you, and not the other way around.

You can do this yourself just by comparing different shades of colors next to one another and keeping a mental note. You can also hire a color analyst to do this for you professionally. Ultimately, however, you must always wear what you want first. If you absolutely love a color that washes you out, then you can counteract it by wearing something (like a shirt, or even a scarf) higher.

Recreate Outfits You Admire

The next step is more of a fashion challenge for yourself. Go online to your saved outfits, and then start trying to recreate them with what you already have in your closet. You’ll realize quickly that what makes those outfits so good isn’t necessarily the exact pieces, but the overall cohesion of it.

This means you can often recreate Pinterest outfits right at home, with the items you already have. This is a great hack to dress better immediately, and also works to train your eye.

Take The Time To Mix And Match

Once you get the hang of copying outfits that you’ve seen out in the world with items in your own closet, it’s time to start experimenting on your own. This is when you can start breaking rules and going crazy with style options. You can do this just at home, where you can consider how an outfit looks and save a picture of it if works, or you can just head out in the world.

Trying and being creative is how you develop your own personal style, which is the most important step to take in order to dress more fashionably every day.

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