Weekly Round-Up #304: Helping The Community, Eco-Friendly In The Kitchen & Coping With Heat Stroke

Weekly Round-Up #304: Helping The Community, Eco-Friendly In The Kitchen & Coping With Heat Stroke


This week we take a look at ways you can get involved in community service even if you can’t leave the house. We also tell you how you can make a few simple changes to become more eco-friendly in the kitchen saving money and the planet as you do so. And finally, it’s the summer so beware of heat stroke – we’ve got you covered when it comes to what it is and how to treat it.

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Welcome to this week’s round-up. I hope you’ve had a fun and productive week.

This week we take a look at ways you can get involved in community service even if you can’t leave the house. We also tell you how you can make a few simple changes to become more eco-friendly in the kitchen saving money and the planet as you do so. And finally, it’s the summer so beware of heat stroke – we’ve got you covered when it comes to what it is and how to treat it.

Online Community Service: 30+ Ways To Get Involved From Afar In 2022 And Beyond – Capital One

During the COVID pandemic, a lot of people have wanted to give back to their communities but have been unable to do so. Capital One have put together a list of over 30 communities you can join, help and support online – from reading text to a blind person to tutoring or even mapping remote areas of the world, there’s something for all ages and abilities.

6 Tips To Cook More Eco Friendly – Culinary Ambition

I’ve been trying to keep my carbon footprint as low as possible, but one area of my life I’ve yet to take a look at is what goes on in the kitchen.

Culinary Ambition have put together six simple tips that will help you save waste, save money and by doing so, save the environment.

Most changes are easy but you will have to put a little effort into some – but that’s the price we pay for helping to save the planet.

The Ultimate Guide To Heat Stress – Working The Doors

It’s the summer and it’s not just sunbathers and holiday makers that are at risk from the heat – workers, even in cool environments are too.

Working The Doors has put together a guide which will help you find out how
you can reduce your chances of getting ill, and what to do if you or
someone else does.

How To Automate Your Workflows And Processes – Quandary

Automation can be the key to keeping costs low as well as increasing productivity, profitability and free up your colleagues to work on other area of the business.

Not sure where to start with automating your workflows? Follow these 12
steps from Quandary and see how easy it is to streamline processes and improve your growing business.

Benefits Of Being A Student: Free Services & Discounts You Can Get – Knowledge Base

Being a student is hard, there’s no two ways about it. From trying to organise your schedule to revising for papers and exams, the last thing you want to worry about on to of everything else is your finances.

To that end, Knowledge Base has put together a compilation of the discounts you might be eligable for if you’re a student. The cover both on-and-off campus discounts, as well as companies that offer shopping discounts and deals to students.

If you know of any that Knowledge Base missed, drop them in the comments below and help your fellow students out!

First Time Home Buyer Tips – Truliant

Buying a home is both an exciting and daunting experience. There are so many things that you need to consider – but what are they and which are more important?

Truliant puts together a great list of some of the things you need to think about before buying your first home – some of which you may never have thought of!

Choosing The Right PPC Channel For Your Business – bant.io

Spending a fortune on traditional advertising and not seeing the return on investment? You’re not alone. Businesses worldwide are struggling financially, and the coronavirus pandemic hasn’t helped the situation.

If you need help to figure out the best PPC channels for your business or,
indeed, how to make your PPC advertising work for your company, this article from bant.io has you covered.

Have A Great Week

I hope you have enjoyed this round-up, as always if you have any links you like to share with me and my readers please contact me through the website or send me a tweet.

Until next time, Stay Productive!

About The Author
Katy is always trying to be more productive one day at a time! Whether it's analogue, digital, motivational or psychological who'll try any system that will help her get things done and get organised. As well as running FlippingHeck.com, she also loves making music and reviewing things.
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