These guidelines were last updated: 19th November 2024
The following guidelines apply to all content submitted to FlippingHeck.com. Posts must meet the following criteria in order to be considered for publication:
- Your article needs to be written in English, be free of spelling and grammar issues (we will make minor corrections if required)
- Your article needs to be a minimum of 500 words long and must be original content not published on any other site or platform
- You can submit your article as a Word Document or Google Doc. We do not accept articles in any other format.
- Your article must not be generated by A.I (in-part or in whole). If we think that any part of your content is written by A.I it will be rejected
- Your article must not be advertorial in nature (unless you are taking out a sponsored post). This means that you must include multiple links to other resources and you can not just link to the website or service you are trying to promote. Articles not linking to additional resources will be rejected.
- Your article must be something that our readers will find interesting and useful. As a guide we cover the following topics – this list is not exhaustive:
- Small/Solo business tips (marketing/finance/best business practices etc.)
- Self Improvement
- Side Hustles
- Productivity
- Organisation (Home, Office etc.)
- Workplace management (office productivity, co-worker relationships etc.)
- Home Improvement
- Home Décor/Design
- App/Software reviews and how-to guides
- Family/Relationships
- Wellness tips (exercise, fitness, healthy eating)
- Please note that if you are pitching an article regarding App Development, SaaS or technology aimed and medium/large businesses you will need to take out a sponsored post. This type of content is not suitable for a free-of-charge guest post so please bear that in mind when pitching your content
- If you are pitching an article relating to health (i.e. medical facilities, dental offices etc.) you would need to place this as sponsored content.
We will NOT PUBLISH UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCE posts relating to: Gambling/Casino/Betting, CDB/Cannabis/THC products, diet supplements or dieting advice, Vaping products, Bitcoin/Crypto, Dating/Porn/Adult toys, Essay writing or content promoting AI writing services. This is not a full list, please refer to the unacceptable content list at the bottom of this page.
Any products or services linked to from your article must be legal in the UK and the site must be accessible worldwide.
We run an auto-linking system that will automatically link certain keywords to a variety of our affiliate partners in the content. Be submitting your article you agree to the placement of these links within your content.
Updating Existing Content
Because of the amount of content on our site we cannot go back and update every article if it becomes out of date.
If broken/missing links are found in the course of our general day-to-day administration of the site these will be replaced as appropriate.
Please note: We will not add your link to an existing article if you spot a broken link
If you wish to add your link to existing content we can accommodate this but there is an administration fee to cover our costs.
Note that once an article is published we reserved the right to add additional links to it, some of which may be affiliate links.
Publication Information
- Unless stated otherwise, all post links will be do-follow
- Articles will appear on the homepage for at least 7 days until they are replaced by newer content
- Articles will be available indefinitely unless:
- We are asked to remove it by the original post author or someone who can prove they are a representative of the author
- The content becomes materially false or misleading
- We are required to remove the content via a legal request
- We’ll post a link to articles on our Facebook, LinkedIn, Pinterest, Threads, Mastodon and Bluesky profiles
- Articles can have an author bio associated with them. Links within the author bio text will be marked as “no-follow” to prevent link manipulation. If you do not provide a bio then the article will be published under our staff account. If you wish a headshot to go with your article (irrespective of whether you supply bio text) this should be supplied as a JPG or PNG at 250×250 pixels.
Important Point: Your head shot must be a photo of you or representative of your logo or brand. Photos detected to be stock photos will be replaced with a generic icon.
Disclaimer Requirements
We also require that a disclaimer be present on each article (whether it’s a standard guest post or a priority post). This is placed at the bottom of the article, under the link to the featured image and an example can be seen below (note: we reserve the right to change the wording at any time):
Please note that this disclaimer will not be removed for any article and may be updated at any time.
Content Not Suitable For Publication
We reserve the right to amend the following list at any time and it is not exhaustive. If you supply something that is not listed below and we deem it unsuitable for publication we reserve the right to refuse publication of your article.
- Casinos, gambling, betting, gaming for money
- Escort services, porn/sex toys
- Bitcoin/Crypto/NFTs
- Drugs or pharmaceuticals
- Health related articles (unless a priority slot is taken out) – This includes but is not limited to: Health services, Doctors, Dentistry, Teeth work, Plastic Surgery, Health Companies (Doctor’s surgeries, Dental practices etc), Health Insurance, Vet Services. Note: we do not provide medical advice or promote services in a free-of-charge standard article
- Anything that relates to procedures (medical or otherwise) that aren’t recommended by licensed professionals in the U.K/E.U (this applies to priority slots as well as standard ones)
- Fitness/well being supplements, shakes, proteins that promote diet loss, fat burning or other health claims.
- Dieting Advice (weight loss or weight gain)
- Vaping/e-cigarettes or associated products (including liquids and equipment)
- CBD, cannabis or THC products
- Advice on illnesses/ailments that aren’t provided by a licenced medical professional or if relate to holistic therapies
- Links to products that have not passed relevant E.U/U.K legislation showing it is safe for the use it is being advertised for.
- Essay writing services, exam or course taking services, paraphrasing tools, AI writing tools, links to AI services, AI Essay Writing, “human content” generators, AI “bypass tools” or similar
- Purchase follower services including (but not limited to) Instagram, Twitter, TikTok etc.
- Articles that include NSFW links, anchor text or keywords – all content must be suitable for a wide-ranging audience.
- Articles that contain links to payday loan providers, financial services or derived products unless the article is a fair and balanced review of available services and does not serve to advertise one client/product. For example, a post about student finance that links to various student credit cards would be acceptable, however a post that only linked to the one credit card would not.
- Any product that promotes Multi-Level-Marketing or Pyramid selling or similar sales methods.
- Articles that contain links to websites that aren’t related to the article content or the link text
- Articles that are not relevant to my readers
- Articles that contain factual inaccuracies, spelling errors or require a lot of editing.
Please don’t waste your time and ours by contacting us if you plan to link to any of these items as we won’t accept your article.
While we may have linked to something in the above list in the past, we do update this regularly to reflect current trends or requests.
If we have previously published content which was accepted and are now prohibited we may allow this to stay on the site or, depending on the context edit it so it fits in with current guidelines. Editing may include removal of offending content, adding no follow links or rewording the content to avoid the impermissible content.