Weekly Round-Up #277: Brand Management, Train Your Dog & Stretching Tips


This week we take a look at how you can start a YouTube channel, 127 ways you can train your dog and why stretching is so important (and why you’re probably doing it wrong.

Man in front of the sea stretching
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Hello and welcome to this week’s round-up. I hope you’ve had a fun and productive week.

This week we take a look at how you can start a YouTube channel, 127 ways you can train your dog and why stretching is so important (and why you’re probably doing it wrong.

How Long Does It Take To Paint A Room? – Ownerly

It’s no secret that hiring painters for your home can be quite costly, but the good thing is, you can save a ton of money by doing the work yourself. And with the right tools and a little bit of prep work, pretty much anyone is capable of painting a room. But you’ve also probably wondered how long it will take to paint a room. After all, it’s nice to know what you’re signing up for before you get started. In this article, Ownerly looks at the factors to consider when painting a room – how to prep the space, cutting in, painting techniques and more.

7 Simple Ways To Clean A Microwave – Maid For You

Microwave ovens can be considered a staple in every modern home. It makes heating leftover food easy, it makes delicious and quick meals, too. But the one thing that no homeowner actually wants to do, is to clean up an especially dirty microwave. Unlike cleaning a conventional oven, a microwave can be cleaned with a few simple steps.

Maid For You have put together a few tips and tricks on how you can overcome this challenge and allow your microwave oven to last a long time.

Sleep Habits Of 5 Grammy Nominees – People Who Sleep UK

Who doesn’t enjoy a good Beyoncé jam? But did you know behind all that great music, the artist considers herself immune to sleep? Nominated in some top categories, including Record of the Year, Queen B’s insane work ethic is inspiring, but sacrificing sleep is not. Sleep deprivation can lead to some serious health problems. We hope you’re reading this, B.

So who are the best and worst Grammy sleepers? Drum roll…

The Complete Guide On How To Get Rid Of Mold In House – The Dehumidifier Experts

It is possible that you have that perfect dream house. To keep the dream you need to keep mold from ruining the ideal. Prevention is better than lots of cures. But not everyone is fortunate enough to stop mold from entering their domain.

When mold appears, take the problem seriously as household mold can cause allergic reactions and harm yours and your family’s overall health, including your pets.

To do this right, you need to learn how to test for mold then get professional help, if you do not want to use the following information to do it yourself

Brand Management: What It Is, How To Apply It & Tools To Use – Visual Learning Center by Visme

Just like a human being, your brand has a personality and a story of its own. The way you tell that story to your customers is what brand management is all about.

But brand management is more than just maintaining your brand. It’s also about growing it, nurturing it and helping it build a relationship with the outside world.

In this post, Visme will help you understand everything about brand management.

The Ponzi Scheme Turns 100 – Compare The Market

Imagine hearing about an investment with consistently high returns.

Your uncle says, “I just received a 50% return on an investment in postal coupons.” So, FOMO (fear of missing out) kicks in and you invest your savings. Months later, the investment is exposed as a scam and you lose your initial deposit – along with the alleged profits.

Does this sound far-fetched? Well, it happened in Boston in 1920 when Charles Ponzi defrauded thousands of Americans. Unfortunately, it wasn’t the first or last time a scam of this nature would occur.

In this article, CompareTheMarket outline how a Ponzi Scheme works, countdown 10 of the largest Ponzi Schemes ever (by estimated money taken) and list how to identify one of these scams!

How To Train A Puppy – Top 127 Effective Dog Training Tips – Bulldogology

Like many new owners soon find out, Dog Training 101 with your new puppy is as important as giving it love and attention. If you neglect training and caring for your puppy correctly, that newfound joy in your relationship can sour quickly.

Once your new puppy is home, a lot in your life will change as you adjust life at home to the newest addition to your family. It’s just like with kids: giving them all the love and freedom is essential. But without rules and a good education on your dog psychology, they ultimately end up being more hurt than cared for.

Learning how to care for your puppy’s health and well-being properly and train them for behaving suitably in different situations will help your pup live a happy and fulfilling life.

How To Promote Your Blog: 23 Actionable Strategies To Get Traffic To Your Blog – Entice

In this post, the guys at Entice are going to show you how to promote your blog. You’ll see everything they have done to grow the Time Doctor blog to over 120,000 visitors per month. Covering SEO, keyword research, parasytic SEO and more.

How To Develop A Growth Mindset For Your Finances – CreditRepair.com

Have you ever had a negative thought you can’t seem to shake after a miscalculation? A giant stomping around in your head saying, “Fee-Fi-Fo-Fum, you messed up and you feel dumb.” According to Carol Dweck, you’re experiencing the effects of a fixed mindset. The opposite of that is a growth mindset, or the belief that talents can be developed to the same capacity as someone who has an inherent gift for something.

For those that practice Dweck’s theory, learning how to develop a growth mindset can improve all aspects of your life, including money management. It concludes that being able to control all thoughts, conscious and unconscious, can have a profound impact on every aspect of our lives.

13 Most Spectacular Flowering Succulents And Cacti – Outdoor Happens

Super low maintenance, tough, resilient, AND pretty flowers? Yep, that’s right. These spectacular flowering succulents make your gardening life easier (and more beautiful).

Both cacti and succulents prefer a hot and dry environment with a rainy season in order to bloom to their full potential, but can be a great addition to any garden, whether as a ground cover or a stand-alone section. Let’s get to looking at some spectacularly flowering succulents for your home or your garden.

Change Your Thinking: The Alternate Futures Self-Motivation Exercise – INLP Center

It is natural to want others to change, especially when they aren’t making the effort. We all live in the midst of relationships and it is so easy to notice what others need to be doing, right?
Good news and bad news.

The good news is, you can have influence over your relationships more than you can control the weather.
The bad news is that you must approach these other-oriented issues by working on yourself.

10 Best Websites To Practice Coding Online – CloudEmployee

Practice makes perfect. The same idea goes with coding. To become a better developer, you need to practice coding your program language. Many online programming courses offer free tutorials with videos and lectures. However, those can only take you so far. Coding challenges will give you a better experience since you apply your knowledge to the real thing.

To give you a heads-up, here are the best websites to practice coding online. Can you solve it all?

Stretching – The Ultimate Overview – Athletic Grit

Not everyone should be stretching – at least not in the same ways.

What you stretch, when you stretch, and whether or not you stretch at all should be determined by the activities you currently participate in. Like any other form of physical training, stretching is supposed to help you perform better in your regular activities. In light of this, athletes probably shouldn’t stretch for the sake of it as it’s possible to be too flexible for your activity.

If you’re currently using or planning to use, a stretching routine that you created, you need to understand what you’re doing.”

Have A Great Week

I hope you have enjoyed this round-up, as always if you have any links you like to share with me and my readers please contact me through the website or send me a tweet.

Until next time, Stay Productive!

About The Author
Katy is always trying to be more productive one day at a time! Whether it's analogue, digital, motivational or psychological who'll try any system that will help her get things done and get organised. As well as running FlippingHeck.com, she also loves making music and reviewing things.
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