3 Tips for Returning To A Stable Routine After Moving


Moving is one of the most stressful things a person can do in your life – even more so if you have a family and pets (or a family of pets!). In this post Kevin Faber looks at 3 simple ways you can get back to your normal routine after a major upheaval.

3 Tips for Returning To A Stable Routine After Moving
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Moving is a stressful event. In fact, it’s one of the most stressful life events a person can experience in their lifetime. While not as stressful as the death of a parent, divorce or separation, a change in living situation causes people to experience major upheaval and lots of unexpected emotions.

Once you have moved to the place of your dreams in somewhere like Missouri, for example, it’s important to try and get yourself back into a routine as comfortably as possible. Some of this will happen naturally over time, but some of it can be initiated yourself with a few proactive choices.

Take Some Time Off Of Work

Many people try to move in a short weekend and then immediately return to work the following Monday. This is not always a good choice to make, as you still may be feeling some of the stress related to moving and having to unpack your things quickly. While it may affect you financially, it’s something that should be planned for before the move. Consider taking a few days off, or even longer if you can swing it, after the move happens, especially if it’s a long-distance relocation.

This is partially why summer is such a popular time to move, as it’s easier for most people to take time off during the summer than any other time of the year. With your extra days off, you can take the time to unpack and place things where you want them, as well as figure out your new commute route and locate all the essentials you need for daily living.

Attend To Your Kids Or Pets

If you have children, they’ll also be having difficulty settling into a new routine. Helping them adjust is essential, and you can talk to them at length about the different things they’ll be doing. Consider unpacking the kids’ rooms first, so things can feel as normal as possible to them as quickly as possible. All kids should have an “essential box” that they packed before the move containing favorite toys or activities. They can unpack these things to keep them entertained and help them get settled.

Introduce areas of the house to your pets slowly and gradually. Surround them with things that smell familiar and look familiar from your previous home. Consider using natural pheromone products as well, as these can help send a message to pets that these new spaces are friendly. You should also invest in the best pet insurance to make sure your pets stay happy and healthy in their new home.

Stay Organized With Unpacking

Unpacking is a huge undertaking after moving, and unless you have a solid plan, it can feel overwhelming, and you may not know where to start. When it comes to unpacking, time is a huge advantage, which is why taking time off from work can be useful. That can be essential so you can do what you need to do and have enough time to do it all. If you have kids, you’ll likely want to get a family member or babysitter to take them during the day so that you can focus on unpacking and not have to worry about caring for your children at the same time.

If you can’t afford to take time off, or it’s just simply not possible, then set and adhere to a simple schedule for unpacking. Decide on one room to concentrate on a night, and set a limit for unpacking boxes, say 2 or 3. Make sure the goals you’re setting are reasonable. If you set your sights too high, you won’t be able to get enough done. Save weekends for more difficult boxes that require organizing while you unpack. Involve the whole family, and build in rewards and incentives for meeting daily goals. It can help motivate your kids, or if you don’t have them, it’ll help motivate yourself.

With these tips in mind, you can help you and your family get settled quickly in your new home, so that life can return to normal as soon as possible.

About The Author
Kevin Faber has been in the commercial finance and banking industry for most of his professional life. He graduated at UC Davis with a B.A. in Business/Managerial Economics. His experience in credit analysis, finance, and management led him to be the founder of Silver Summit Capital. He enjoys working in the financing industry and building connections with industry leaders.
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