Different Kinds Of Hair Extensions You Should Know About


There are so many hair extensions out there, but the type you should use depends on your style and needs. If you want to add length but maintain your hair’s thickness, then sewn-in extensions are the best choice. Whether you decide to go with sewn-in, Clip-in, or any other type of hair extension, here are some different types to consider.

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There are so many hair extensions out there, but the type you should use depends on your style and needs.

For example, if you’re looking to add some volume to your hair, then a clip-in ponytail extension might be a better option as they’re straightforward to put in and will give you more length as well.

If you want to add length but maintain your hair’s thickness, then sewn-in extensions are the best choice. Whether you decide to go with sewn-in, Clip-in, or any other type of hair extension, here are some different types to consider.

Clip-in Ponytail Extensions

According to reports, 34 percent of women regularly use hair extensions as part of their beauty regime. A clip-in extension is probably the most accessible type of extension to use if you want the perfect ponytail. All you do is attach the clip to your hair, and these extensions will instantly give you more volume. You can also take them out whenever you please!

Clip-ins are also suitable for thin hair but long hair. Since these are so easy to put in, they’re an excellent option for people who are just trying out different types of extensions.

These are very easy to remove, and you don’t have to worry about any damage being done to your hair if they’re removed incorrectly since you can do it at home by yourself.

Weft Hair Extensions

A more traditional method of adding length is sewing in wefts. The type is best for people who want longer hair but don’t want to make too many drastic changes.

The extensions themselves are typically made from high-quality human hair and attached by sewing them into a track that has been sewn into your natural hair.

Since the wefts are sewn beside each other, this type of ponytail extension can add a lot of thickness to your natural hair if done correctly. However, if you have incredibly thick hair to begin with, this might not be the best option for you.

This extension type is also less damaging than some other types since they are attached by weaving them into your natural hair instead of gluing them in or using heat to set them in place.

Tape Hair Extensions

It is a newer type of extension that uses a particular type of adhesive to attach the extensions directly to your scalp.

While this method is straightforward and doesn’t require any sewing, it can be quite damaging if not applied correctly. If you choose to go with tape in extensions, then make sure you find a reputable salon technician who knows what they’re doing.

Since these extensions are attached directly to your natural hair, they will last you longer than other types because there’s no weaving needed.

However, this type of extension can be costly, so if you’re looking for something more cost-effective, then clip-in extensions might be the better option for you.

Fusion Hair Extensions

A fusion hair extension is a method that doesn’t even require sewing at all. Instead, the extensions are attached by using heat to melt two different hair types together.

The type of fusion is supposed to be less damaging than sew-in methods, so if you don’t want your hair being tugged on with every washing, then this might be a good option for you.

These extensions are also more readily available for people with short hair instead of those with long hair.

Featured Image: Supplied by the author
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1 thought on “Different Kinds Of Hair Extensions You Should Know About

  1. This blog post is an excellent resource for anyone interested in hair extensions. It covers various types of hair extensions and provides valuable information on each one. Thank you for sharing such insightful content and helping readers make informed decisions about their hair extension choices!

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