Weekly Round-Up #117: What Colour Should You Paint Your Room? Don't Be Angry & How To Be Happy


In this week’s round-up we take a look at how to keep up your productivity levels when you’re tired, how the colour you paint your rooms could affect you and a massive list of things to make you a happier person.

What Color Should You Paint Your Room?
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In this week’s round-up we take a look at how to keep up your productivity levels when you’re tired, how the colour you paint your rooms could affect you and a massive list of things to make you a happier person.

8 Tips On How To Prevent Digital Eye Strain – Infographic – Visionary

If you work with a computer – or even use a mobile phone or tablet for extended periods of time – then you’ll be well aware of the issues of digital eye strain and in the UK there are laws in place to help protect people who use monitors for the majority of their work but there are things you can do yourself to help prevent eye strain. This Great Infographic (PDF format) from the guys at Visonary gives you 8 simple to implement ways to keep your peepers healthy.

How To Stay Productive When You’re Tired – STL

We’ve all had one of those days when we’re absolutely shattered but have to get a tonne of stuff done. This infographic from STL they give you 11 tips for how to stay focused and on the ball when you’re low on energy. Oh, and I agree with the peppermint oil trick, but you’ll never catch me adding any weird ingredients to my morning coffee thank you!

The Right Paint Color for Every Room – HomeAdvisor

There’s been quite a lot of research done on colour theory and how colours can affect your productivity and moods. This infographic and short video from HomeAdvisor covers what colours work best in what room – I would certainly prefer a sage green office to a boring magnolia one! If you’re looking for some colour theory basics including what a “complimentary color” is and how a “color wheel” works then check out 10 Color Theory Basics Everyone Should Know from FreshHome.

15,000 Steps Is the New 10,000 – Lifehacker

I’ve been tracking my steps for about 6 months now and I initially set my step count at a lowly 7,000. I’m on my feet all day and I still struggle to reach that goal – now they’re telling us I need to be walking almost double the amount I can’t even reach! Interestingly the article does also quote that “… or were standing upright for seven hours or more had normal BMIs” so perhaps there’s hope for me yet!

How to Survive Being the Only Woman in the Workplace – Entrepreneur

Having worked in Tech for the majority of my working life, I’ve often been one of the few, if not only, women in the workplace. Being taken seriously in a male enviroment, and proving that you have worth (and know what you’re talking about) can be challenging to say the least! This post from Entrepreur gives you 3 ways you can make your life in a male-dominated workplace a litte easier.

15 Productivity Books Guaranteed To Spark Action In 2017 – Productive & Pretty

We might be a quarter of the way through the year (what??!!) but there’s still plenty of time to read some books to add a bit more productivity to your life. There’s a couple of the “usual suspects” on the list but there are some interesting looking ones I’ve not heard of and will definitely check out.

How To Let Go Of Anger When You Just Can’t Stop Thinking About It – Lifehack

Sometimes something will get your goat and you won’t be able to let it go. Sometimes it’s a small thing that can annoy you and sometimes it’s a large thing either way it’s important to let the anger go and this post from Lifehack covers some ways you can try to let go of the anger to keep yourself stress free and healthier.

How to Be Happy: 26 Strategies Backed by Research – NJ Lifehacks

You’ll want to sit yourself down in a comfy chair and grab a mug of coffee before your start this post from NJ Lifehack. This fantasticly researched post covers 26 ways you can feel better about your life, yourself and your situation – often by making a few minor tweaks. There’s also a PDF available if you want to read it later as well so you have no excuse.()

20 Things That Only List Lovers Will Understand – Buzzfeed

Finally, there’s a little something for all you list lovers and GIF fans out there!

Have A Great Weekend

If you have an article you’d like to share with us then please contact me and until next time, Stay Productive! Featured Image: Painting a Blue Wall by yg9301270 on Pixabay

About The Author
Katy is always trying to be more productive one day at a time! Whether it's analogue, digital, motivational or psychological who'll try any system that will help her get things done and get organised. As well as running FlippingHeck.com, she also loves making music and reviewing things.
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