Weekly Round-Up #94: Infographics Galore! Sorting Your Email Tasks Out and Visualise Your Way To Success


In this round-up we have some great infographics covering Virtual Assistants, some milestones in your working life based on your age and some surprising statistics about parental leave. We also look at how visualising can make you successful and how you can manage a remote team – phew!

Weekly Round-Up #94: Infographics Galore! Sorting Your Email Tasks Out & Visualise Your Way To Success
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Hello, and welcome to the end of another week. I hope the end of the week finds you well. I don’t know whether it’s something to do with the full moon that happened this week but it’s been rather a strange one – everything going wrong, my schedule going out of the window and being completely rush off my feet – I’m looking forward to the weekend I can tell you!

In this week’s round-up we take a look at how a V.A can free up a lot of your time, how you can manage tasks found in emails, and 23 steps to success. So grab yourself a coffee, put your feet up and check out this selection of great articles.

Note: It’s always worth clicking through to the Infographic website as some of them contain a lot more information on the subject.

12 Tasks to Outsource to a Virtual Assistant – My Tasker

Virtual Assistants are becoming the next big thing in the internet – and it’s easy to see why. Scheduling things like social media updates, formatting documents and blog posts, collating data and much more are all things that someone else can handle (for a reasonable fee of course!)

12 Tasks to outsource to a virtual assistant infographic
Courtesy of: MyTasker

23 Keys To Success – SelfImprovement.org

We all want to be successful in our lives and careers and this article gives us a breakdown of 23 simple things we can do to improve our lot. The actionable steps aren’t hard – sometimes it just needs a shift in thinking.

Source: How to be Successful: 23 Keys to Success in Life

A Lifetime Of Work – eCard Shack

This great interactive infographic allows you to enter your age and then see the rest of your life broken down into hours left remaining. It’s kind of frightening to think that if I treated my email like the average office worker I’d still have over 17,000 hours (yes, you read Seventeen Thousand Hours correctly!) of email processing to go – it’s a good job I’m an Email Ninja and you can be too with my Free Course. I like the idea I have almost 100,000 hours of sleep left – I wonder if I can take that in one go!

Source: eCard Shack

8 Ways To Be More Productive At Work – uAttend

This infgraphic is full of some great information for anyone who is trying to get more done in the workplace. I love standing meetings, we used to have them at one company I worked for and instead of something that lasted 2 hours, everything was over in 15-30 minutes – perfect!

Source: Uattend cloud-based time and attendance solution

Which Countries Have the Most Parental Leave? – GetVOIP

This series of infographics covers a variety of parental leave data from how much leave to how much people are paid – where’s your country on the list and are you surprised?

My Favorite Email Productivity Hack: A One-Two Punch – Stickboy Creative

Part of my Becoming An Email Ninja Course is dealing with tasks that come in via email. Harrison Ambs over at Stick Creative has an interesting system on managing his email-based tasks using a simple calendaring system and a service called “Follow Up Then”. The system is a bit rigid but if you’re looking for a quick fix before taking inbox zero to the next level then this may be worth a look.

Discover the 5 Essential Pillars for Creating Your Very Own Remote Dream Team – Biz 3.0 @ Timedoctor

Remote working is becoming more and more popular – and it’s not surprising in this global market that we live in with the ability to be connected 24/7. We’re all dealing with people from every corner of the globe whether that be through email, webinars, factime, social media or telephone and trying to organise and manage these teams can become very complicated. In this article, Time Doctor looks at pulling your team together, how best to communicate and more.

9 Awesome Steps to Become a Successful Virtual Assistant – My Tasker

Following on from the infographic explaning how to outsource a Virtual Assistant and how to manage remote teams, how about becoming a remote working and taking up a role as a Virtual Assistant yourself? In today’s digital economy Virtual Assistants are a growing market with people outsourcing a variety of their computer-based tasks – especially as more people strive to achieve the Four Hour Work Week.

Extreme Daydreaming With a Purpose – Personal Self

I love daydreaming, I find the escape from the hum drum routine of daily life is really relaxing and mantally recharging. I also find that if I’m stuck on a difficult problem then letting my mind wander can help me find a solution a lot quicker than if I were just to sit there staring at a screen willing the answer to come. Dustyn at Personal Self has put together a great guide to visualisation techniques and the benefits that visualisation has.

Have A Great Weekend

I hope you’ve enjoyed this week’s round-up and, as always, if you have any links you think should be included in a future round-up then please contact me

About The Author
Katy is always trying to be more productive one day at a time! Whether it's analogue, digital, motivational or psychological who'll try any system that will help her get things done and get organised. As well as running FlippingHeck.com, she also loves making music and reviewing things.
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