9 Creative Jobs In Demand Today

9 Creative Jobs In Demand Today


The pandemic has made an enormous impact on the future of work. If you’re interested in design and anything that requires artistic skills, you need to open your mind to the possibility of mixing technical work with creativity. If you accept this change, you’ll be rewarded with numerous opportunities for a lucrative and rewarding career. The following article discusses the top nine creative jobs in demand today.

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The pandemic has made an enormous impact on the future of work. If you’re interested in design and anything that requires artistic skills, you need to open your mind to the possibility of mixing technical work with creativity. If you accept this change, you’ll be rewarded with numerous opportunities for a lucrative and rewarding career.

The following are the top ten creative jobs in demand today:

1. Graphic Designer

Graphic designing continues to be an excellent opportunity for creative people. Companies will employ artistic individuals to design posters, billboards, brand labels, logos, and other marketing materials to boost sales and promote their respective brands. If you’re a graphic artist, expect to work at advertising and marketing organizations, magazines, and even tech companies.

That said, working in a graphic design job requires some preparation. You need to develop a portfolio if you want to be successful. Expect to work on stuff like creating layouts for advertisements, design brochures, annual reports, and similar projects. You also need to equip yourself with skills in various design software, such as Adobe Photoshop, After Effects, InDesign, and Illustrator.

Don’t forget to build a website or web page that will make it easier for employers or clients to see your design portfolio.

2. Digital Marketer

The need for digital marketers is steadily increasing as people’s online presence continues to grow. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, Internet use has surged because many people, even those who aren’t Internet-savvy, have been compelled to work and do business online.

To take advantage of this demographic, many big and small companies will need professional help to boost their lead generation and brand awareness via different digital channels. And, who will work on all the marketing efforts in the company’s website, blog, and social media platforms?  It’s none other than the digital marketer, of course.

It’s easy to excel in this position. For starters, you have to expose yourself to the Internet culture, attend digital events to learn new trends, meet possible partners and customers, be active in social media, and evaluate new digital platforms.

3. Content Creator

Even if you don’t know much about color and visual design, you can work as a content creator if you can string words creatively. In the Internet, content is king. So, individuals who have a way with words will continue to be sought after and in-demand. As a content producer, you’ll mainly be responsible for social media posts, blog writing, video content, landing pages, and other online marketing materials, especially the company website’s content. Some of the skills you need to master include copywriting, proofreading, search engine optimization, and customer engagement.

Woman in classroom smiling

4. Software Developer

You might think that a software developer career is too technical and a tad boring. But, if you look closely at what software developers do, you’ll realize that creating, developing, testing, and designing software and apps require a balance of technical knowledge and creativity. People who excel as software developers are creative since they regularly have to think outside the box and push the limits of technology to come up with fun, engaging, and, at the same time, useful apps.

5. User Experience Designer

Whether online or offline, user experience is the topmost priority for every company. Nowadays, customers are fickle and demanding. If you don’t provide them with the best possible product or service, you could get a bad rep at various online review sites. For companies to make sure they’re offering the best customer experience possible, they’ll need a user experience designer.

Aside from providing customers with a positive experience from the company’s products and services, UX specialists also design tools and apps that encourage online users and clients to stay longer on a webpage. They also ensure that web visitors click the subscribe button in online newsletters and pages. Ultimately, UX designers inspire people to add items to their online carts and complete the checkout process.

6. Mobile Designer

Only a few people now use laptops and desktops to access the Internet. Nowadays, most folks use their smartphones for almost anything. Many businesses want to stay relevant to their customers. They hire designers to create and develop apps specifically for mobile devices.

For a successful mobile design career, you need experience creating interactive designs for both Android and iOS devices. Also, knowledge about programming and user experience will make you more attractive to employers.

7. Social Media Manager

As the name implies, this position is responsible for social media campaigns and strategies. This job is usually part of the digital marketing umbrella. If you want to establish a career in social media marketing, you need to be sensitive to market trends, aware of up-and-coming social media platforms, and have a pulse for what’s in and what’s not.

8. Video Game Designer

Demand for video games is at an all-time high because most kids and adults have been staying at home during the pandemic. And, even if a successful vaccine rolls out, the appetite for video games will not wane. If you’re a gamer and your mind is bursting with creative ideas for new games or improving existing ones, you’re in for an exciting career in video game design.

There are plenty of positions you can excel in when you work in the video game industry. You can write codes and programs, develop concepts, make visual or setting designs, produce story arcs and character backgrounds, and even concentrate on testing and user experience.

9. Advertising Manager

Among all the creative jobs listed above, this position has little to do with computers or the Internet. The main objective of an advertising manager is to peddle desire. You want people to have the desire to buy and patronize your brand. This job is ideal for individuals who have a good grasp of people’s psyche and know how to capitalize on that intuitive ability. If you love networking and socializing with different people, and learning how to create, develop, launch, and implement a campaign, this job is for you.


These days, many in-demand creative jobs have to do with technology, consumer experience, marketing, and design. If you’re artistic, you can still earn big bucks if you rethink the meaning of creativity and accept that technology is an essential tool to express your imaginative and innovative ideas.

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