7 Habits: Habit 7 – Sharpen The Saw : Principles of balanced Self-Renewal
Habit 7 is all about managing the lessons we learned in Habits 1 through 5 and how to ensure that we keep ourselves healthy and balanced.
Habit 7 is all about managing the lessons we learned in Habits 1 through 5 and how to ensure that we keep ourselves healthy and balanced.
Habit 5 looks at seeing things from someone else's perspective. If we are to be able to have a meaningful conversation with someone we first need to understand their needs…
I've written before about Psychology and its various uses such as how to spot a liar but the Psyblog takes it a step further and looks at "10 practical uses…
Essentially having a synergistic relationship with someone is to use the previous 5 Habits Of Highly Effective People to form a bond with them, that way you are able to…
CIO.Com has an interesting interview with leadership consultant and psychologist Henry Cloud on the importance of a good work/life balance. Cloud notes that work life balance never used to be…
I was interested to read Darren Rowse of Problogger discussing his blog posting techniques and that he batch processes them for maximum productivity. I thought about that for a while…
The BBC has reported that "Older People are happier at work": Older workers are the happiest employees, research commissioned by Vodafone suggests. Seven out of 10 workers aged over 50…
Habit 4 of Stephen Covey's 7 Habits of Highly Effective People is all about achieving a mutually acceptable compromise with the person you're dealing with so you both feel that…
I've recently gone back to work after a week off and getting back to the office is always a chore - especially when you have an inbox bursting with emails…
Habit 3 looks at Covey's four quadrants of urgency. We may perceive things to be urgent but are they really? We can use some of the techniques in this post…
An article at CNN.com discusses the "10 best excuses for coming to work late": More than 27 percent of hiring managers say they are skeptical of employees' excuses for showing…
In the 7 Habits, the Public Victory Phase is were we take a look back at the first few habits that asked us to examine ourselves and then think about…