Free Download: FlipTimeBox – TimeBox Planner
Following on from my post on TimeBoxing and how to use it, in this post I provide you with a free download to enable to you manage your TimeBoxes and…
Following on from my post on TimeBoxing and how to use it, in this post I provide you with a free download to enable to you manage your TimeBoxes and…
TimeBoxing is a simple technique that allows you to manage your tasks and time easily. This post looks at the benefits of TimeBoxing, how to use it and what's wrong…
We looked recently at why it's important to learn to say "No". In this post we look at why it's important to face your fear and learn to say "Yes"…
In this 24/7 always on connected lifestyle it's all to easy to say "Yes" to something when we don't have time, aren't ready or aren't able. In this post we…
A simple "Good Morning" or "Hello" can speak volumes about you and how people will perceive you. In this post we look at how to foster trust with a simple…
So we already know that Wednesday's (or hump day as it's known) are rubbish - why should Monday's have to be unproductive too? In this post I take a look…
Sometimes it's all about a simple change in your mental outlook that can make you more positive and happier.
Is Wednesday bringing you down? Maybe you're viewing it as hump day then! In this post we look at a few simple solutions to help you stop thinking of Wednesdays…
All too often we look after others before we look after ourselves. Is it so bad that we take some "me" time? I don't think so.
Planning meals is a sure-fire way to start eating in a healthier way with better variety, getting your five a day, allowing you to control portions and track what you…
A while ago I wrote about the "3 P's to Personal Happiness". In this article I talk about another one I've come across.
May The 4th Be With You! Yes, it's Star Wars day again and in honour of that I take look look at one of Yoda's most popular quotes and how…