Buying And Flipping A House: Can It Be A Part Time Venture?

Buying And Flipping A House: Can It Be A Part Time Venture?


Renovating an old house, especially if it is in poor condition, can take up a lot of time, energy, and of course, money. You will need a lot of resources and experience to make a healthy profit. Taking on the task as a side project is highly recommended because if things don’t go to plan, you will still have your normal job to fall back on.

Person handing over the keys to a house after completing a sale
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Lots of folks buy old houses, transform them, and sell them for a profit. Some people have made a lot of money by doing so, but before you pack in your day job and start flipping old homes, you might want to consider keeping your steady job on, and flip houses on the side.

Renovating an old house, especially if it is in poor condition, can take up a lot of time, energy, and of course, money. You will need a lot of resources and experience to make a healthy profit. Taking on the task as a side project is highly recommended because if things don’t go to plan, you will still have your normal job to fall back on.

Why Flip A House Part Time?

With so many people flipping houses on the side, here are some of the reasons you might want to consider following in their footsteps:


If you manage to flip and sell a couple of houses each year, you can make a lot of extra cash!

Free Rent

You can live in the house while it is being renovated, or while it is on the market: If you don’t like paying rent and you don’t own another house, why not live in the house you are flipping until the property has been sold?


You will learn a lot while transforming a house, and you will also learn about the property market at the same time, which could benefit you when making investments down the line.

No Added Pressure

If you rely solely on flipping houses for a living, you might feel that the pressure of selling and renovating the house is bringing you down. Having a steady income might make you feel at ease, and it might reduce a lot of the added pressure.

It Can Be Fun

If you enjoy rolling up your sleeves and going to work on a new and exciting project, flipping houses might prove to be a fantastic way to make money on the side.

Tips For Flipping An Old Home Part Time

Planning is of vital importance when flipping a house. You should organize a schedule, and do whatever it takes to stick with it. By having a schedule in place, you will be able to stay focused and organized, which is very important, especially if you already work long hours in your day job. Keep track of all the hours you spend working on the house.

Making contacts with people in the construction industry is also very important. You might want to make a checklist of all the contractors you will need to successfully flip the house. If you haven’t already prepared one, check out this checklist:

Keep in mind that you will be working part time, so don’t expect the same results as if you were working full time. To avoid putting yourself under too much pressure, set realistic goals before you start the project. Also, have an idea of the amount of money you want to make from the sale. Because you are only working on the house part time, don’t expect to make millions.

The Downside To Flipping A Home Part Time

You’ll face a lot of challenges when flipping a house on the side. First, you will want to make sure that you can handle the job, and that it won’t have a negative impact on your current job.

If you struggle to juggle the two, you might end up getting fired from your day time work, and if you need the income from that job to help finance the renovations, you might find yourself in financial difficulty, and unemployed. Think carefully before taking on such a big project, and you should have a plan on what to do if everything turns sour.

If you work in your day while contractors are making changes to the house, how will you keep an eye on them? Never assume the contractors are working hard while you are elsewhere, so you should be able to make time to pop into the house now and again throughout the day.

A lot of folks who work full time jobs and flip houses on the side hire a project manager to ensure the work is going to plan, and that the contractors are pulling their weight. But if you want to employ a reputable project manager, you can expect to pay a small fortune.


If you are considering flipping a house without quitting your day time job, don’t rush into it. Take your time, understand what is needed, and find out as much information as possible about current market value of properties in the area. People who jump in headfirst without giving it much thought often find themselves regretting flipping the house down the line.

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