How Cooking Can Help Relieve Stress

How Cooking Can Help Relieve Stress


Cooking is an everyday activity that is necessary for us to survive. But, can it have some therapeutic effect? In this article, we will prove to you that cooking can be stress relieving and help you become a more creative and organised person.

Woman cooking in a kitchen
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Cooking is an everyday activity that is necessary for us to survive. But, can it have some therapeutic effect?

In this article, we will prove to you that cooking can be stress relieving and help you become a more creative and organised person.

Make Kitchen A Cosy Room

The kitchen should be a safe room where you can escape from work and everyday stress to enjoy the ritual of cooking. First of all, keep it clean and always ready to use, so don’t postpone cleaning after the finished meal. Also, organise it to have a good view of all items and be aware of your stock. Try to combine ingredients that will go bad soon and use them to make a new dish. What is very important is that your kitchen should be usable and have a good flow. If you don’t have ideas on how to achieve it, you can check on this link.

Avoid Your Mobile Phone

Don’t use a mobile phone to check for recipes or instructions. While there are many useful apps with explanations, try to read them before and be mobile-free in the kitchen. This will help you concentrate on your work and you will pass possible messages or calls. Also, if you check on a mobile phone, you may be distracted with something and end up losing time on unimportant things rather than doing something productively. As a good background, you can only use it to play calming music!

Follow Instructions

Sometimes, the following instructions can make you feel calm and under control, so it is a good way to get rid of stress. Don’t follow them blindly, always add your touch and improve the way you think is better. Yet, this will help you learn time management and using sources you have and improvising. Also, this is a good way to learn how to be organised and prepare everything before. Since cooking needs time, following instructions means that you are aware of time for preparing and cooking.

Try New Variations

It is proven that aromas and smells reduce stress and can associate you with better moods. Don’t be afraid to try new dishes and meals you have never tried before. Use vivid colours and more textures to make your meal interesting and full of vibrant colours. This is also making you more positive thinking and helps you feel better and reduce stress hormone. And remember, you will never know if you don’t like something if you don’t try it before.

Add Passion For Better Results

People who finish the task in a day feel better and reduce the feeling of disappointment and stress. But, you need to give some effort and passion in the process to have a satisfying result and to be proud of yourself. Remember that you have complete control and avoid preparations you find hard or dull. It is not crucial to cook every day and have a perfect meal at the same time. Cook when you need to relax and when you feel inspired.

Choose a Healthy Lifestyle

Cooking your meals is a certainly healthier option than eating from a restaurant, but there is always room for an improvement. Rather than using white processed flour or white sugar, choose some healthier options. There are many examples when you can use healthier options. Try to buy seasonal vegetables and from local producers. There are many healthy swaps for some fast food you like, so check them on this link.

Enjoy Preparation

Some people find preparation for the most relaxing part of the kitchen. Peeling and chopping vegetables is very focused on work and has pleasant sounds that will help you calm. Take more time and prepare in silence. Some part of it is because of touching food and changing different textures. Also, you can smell pure aromas, especially if you use many spices, which encourage good mood. Consider preparation as a crucial part of cooking and try to enjoy it equally.

Cook For Others

Cooking can be a ritual that you do on special occasions or when you feel like you need a creative hobby. There is much research proving that cooking special meals for special occasions that associate you to some atmosphere or people is stress relieving and produces good memories. Also, try to cook for your friends because inviting them to dinner is always a good reason to hang out together and being with others relaxes you. What is more, they can praise your meals and you will feel better about yourself.

About The Author
Linda is a cooking enthusiast and author of many recipes and food blogs. Even though her main passion is cooking and making new recipes, she is considering cooking as therapy and helps others with her advice. For some more articles, visit the website.
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