Awake Your Inner Leader: A Simple Strategy to Build Your Leadership Skills
Leadership skills aren’t just for managers, they’re a useful technique to have in any position. In this article Mark Thomson looks at 5 skills you should think about mastering in order to awake the leader within you.
At college, students rarely think about developing their leadership skills. Sure; they like getting information about the most successful leaders of our time. They are mostly impressed by the fact that many of these leaders didn’t even graduate from college.
That should not impress you. You’re already in college, so you’re on the journey towards graduation. You’ll make it! Do you know what should inspire you from all examples of leaders you’re reviewing? Their will to learn. Their investment in personal growth. You’re getting opportunities for learning and growth at college, so you better use them.
Now is the right time to awaken your inner leader. Everyone has leadership potential; we just need to discover it and let it grow.
We’ll suggest few simple steps that will help you build your leadership skills:
1. Start Journaling
Journaling is a great habit that leads to personal development. It’s also something you can start without a great deal of planning. A daily entry doesn’t take more than 10 minutes, so why not start today?
Since your goal is to develop leadership skills, the journal should be relevant in that direction. Write down your impressions on how you handled different situations. Write about the times when you managed to solve a conflict between two of friends. Write about the moments when you could’ve handled the situations better or you could’ve been clearer at expressing your ideas.
Journaling is a great way to develop writing skills, which you’ll definitely need as a leader. If you’re doing well, you may even publish your entries in the form of a blog. If you manage to make that blog influential, it will contribute towards the personal branding process. You’re not that confident in your writing skills and you’re afraid to make your journal entries public? No worries; you can collaborate with writers and editors from AssignmentMasters. They will improve the quality and readability of your content.
2. Take a Personality Test
Personality tests seem vain, but don’t take them too lightly. Even though the questions are simple, they help you dig into your natural approach towards leadership. Are you an authoritative or an inspiring person?
Each leadership style has its strengths and flaws. The better you understand your personality, the more you’re able to improve your leadership skills. The personality test by SkillsYouNeed is a good start. Don’t take the results too seriously, but do consider them, since they assess your personality.
3. Work on Your Communication Skills
Great leaders can inspire other people not only by being role models, but also by communicating ideas. They are able to make their vision, goals, intention, and mission clear to other people. They have the ability to inspire their team to work towards a common goal. That’s because they have impressive communication skills.
The good news is that you can always improve these skills, no matter where you stand at this point. Just open up to communication and do your best to improve your listening and speaking skills. Public speaking is an aspect you mustn’t neglect. It’s scary, but you’ll get better with practice.
4. Be Passionate about Your Future
Do you have any idea about your future? Passion is a leadership skill. When you find it, you’ll be able to define goals and work towards them. The passion will also make your education more effective. You’ll pick the right courses and you’ll start getting better grades. That’s because you’ll know why you’re learning all the things that your professors want you to learn.
So what are you passionate about? What values and ideas will be the center of your future career as a leader?
5. Be Positive
So you think that only few can rise from nothing to stardom? That may be true. Those few are always exceptional human beings with amazing ideas and great commitment. What prevents you from being one of those few? If you don’t have a great idea, maybe it will come. You can always work on the commitment, and you can always grow towards becoming a better and more versed person.
The important thing is to stay positive about your future. Don’t be that grumpy person who believes that great things only happen to other people. Your positive mindset will set the direction towards professional success.
If you really want to become a leader, you should start working towards that status while you’re still at school. People don’t get this status by accident; they deserve it through hard work and lots of learning. It’s a long journey, but you can start taking the first steps today.