Turning Your Garden Around In A Weekend

Hummingbird in garden
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In the name of being productive, and seeing as the sun is shining outside once again, it might be worth your time to head out into the garden and do your best to set up a lovely spring space. After all, you want to be able to enjoy the back yard during the summer time, which makes here and now the best moment for you to get planting!

It might be a bit wild out there, it might be overgrowing with all kinds of critters digging in and out of the ground, and we already know that alone can lower the value of the home around you. But what about your personal investment here? You should enjoy the garden you have at hand, seeing as you’ve put so much time and effort into it.

So with that in mind, here’s a couple of ideas on how you can at least begin to turn your garden around within a weekend. Take your personal little outside space by storm, and get to

Mulch Your Borders

If you want to have a clear and cohesive garden by the time the summer sun comes out, then you’re going to need to start defining borders across the space. And you can do that very easily with some mulch – spread across the beds you’ve planned out, and then you don’t have to go out and buy pebbles or ceramic tiles until you’re absolutely sure of the design you want out there!

Mulch can be done with your own compost, or from the use of dead plants and foliage such as pine needles that you’ve recently cleared away. This mix will help lock in the moisture to the soil beds you want to use later on, and will help to properly set your garden up. All in a day’s work!

Mix Your Seeds

You can very easily make your own potting mix in a matter of minutes, and then get to spreading it over your recently tilled soil, or start with a bit of compost, which you’ve hopefully you’ve got your own heap of that you’ve been adding more to over the recent months. And then mix your wildflower packet in, easy as pie! Packets of seeds like this can be quite cheap from the garden centre, depending on the brand you pick up, so be sure to have a look around.

But if you’ve got a lot go ground to cover, and you don’t have enough seed started to spread, even investing in a bit of game cover would be a good idea here. These seed mixes are often fast growing and great for the gardener who needs a good coverage of ground plantlife as soon as possible. And if you like to see birds out there, chirping away and grinding food out of the plant feeder hanging off the tree, the more of this cover mix the better!

You’ve got a wild garden to tame, and even a weekend is going to make a good dent in the plans.

Featured Image: https://unsplash.com/photos/AEVAMhago-s

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