10 quick and simple Christmas Recipes

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The party season is finally upon us!

Whilst not technically about productivity or motivation, it’s quite easy to get overwhelmed by all the recipes and information out there so I’ve picked a few simple ideas to bring festive cheer to your table.

Here are a few quick party foods that won’t take a huge amount of time or a great deal of skill to make.

1. Pull Apart Party Loaves

These are really quick, simple and tasty. You can bake your own bread or just use store bought crusty bread.


Check out this recipe for a more traditional garlic bread or here for a spicier alternative and of course, it wouldn’t be Christmas without a Pull apart tree 

2. Cookie Cutter Pizzas

Cute little appetisers with a festive feel.


Pizza recipes:

3. Melting Snowman Oreo Balls

These cute little guys will make a great Christmas treat for any table… although I don’t know how many Oreos I’d have left to cook with!

4. Reindeer Beer

Okay, so not strictly food, but these cuties will brighten up any bar

5. Strawberry Christmas Tree Brownie Bites

These may require a little skill, but with the underlying strawberry shape even the most inept cook (i.e me!) should be able to achieve a Christmassy look.

6. Batter Chocolate Chip Cookies

These would make an excellent accompaniment to hot chocolate (see below), or as a gift. You could use a recycled Pringles tube to send them in.


7. 18 ways to make hot chocolate


8. Rainbow Jelly Jigglers

I think I’d need to add alcohol to mine….



Oh, hang on, perhaps I need the…

9. 5 Layers of Holiday Stress Shot

Mmmmm… Jelly *and* vodka!

10. Cheese Reindeer

These are so easy to make…. and look tasty too.



Over to you…

Do you have any quick and simple Christmas recipes we should look at?

About The Author
Katy is always trying to be more productive one day at a time! Whether it's analogue, digital, motivational or psychological who'll try any system that will help her get things done and get organised. As well as running FlippingHeck.com, she also loves making music and reviewing things.
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