Activities To Do With Your Loved One This Holiday Season

Activities To Do With Your Loved One This Holiday Season


The holidays are all about spending time with someone you love. Unfortunately, the holidays are a busy time, so it may seem challenging to carve out time with your significant other. Still, you should always make time for one another during the holidays. Of course, the holidays are also a time for family, so you’ll need to plan your time accordingly to ensure you have enough time for your partner. Wondering how to spend the holidays with your loved one? Check out these ideas.

Two people standing by an outdoor skating rink in Toronto
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The holidays are all about spending time with someone you love. Unfortunately, the holidays are a busy time, so it may seem challenging to carve out time with your significant other. Still, you should always make time for one another during the holidays.

If you live with your significant other, go above and beyond to make them a priority. Even when you live with someone, it can be difficult to spend quality time together because you both have busy schedules, but during the holidays, you may have more time off of work to spend with each other.

Of course, the holidays are also a time for family, so you’ll need to plan your time accordingly to ensure you have enough time for your partner. Wondering how to spend the holidays with your loved one? Check out these ideas:

Go Ice Skating

Most towns and cities have an ice rink where you can rent skates and skate around outside. If you or your partner has never been ice skating before, it can be an enjoyable and funny experience for both of you.

Ice skating makes a fun little date any night of the holiday season, and it’s something you can do before going to dinner or getting coffee.

Spend A Romantic Night In

Sometimes you don’t have to do anything to have an enjoyable time with your partner. You can turn off your phones and spend quality time together inside and away from the cold winter weather. Of course, you should do more than watch television together during this time. Instead, plan a date night indoors with dinner, a movie, and popcorn.

You can also plan for intimacy with your partner to ensure everyone has a great night in, so get your Cialis ready for a night of fun!

Rent A Cabin

Since you may want to spend Christmas with your family, you and your partner can rent a cabin before the holiday to spend some quality time together.

Renting a cabin allows you to spend nothing but time together, and there’s nothing better than getting away from it all with the person you love. Of course, you should discuss the features you’ll both need in a cabin to make it an enjoyable experience.

For example, every cabin needs a fireplace, running water, and a comfortable bed. Depending on your interests, you might want to rent a cabin close to a town you can discover when you don’t feel like building snowmen or drinking hot cocoa by the fire.

Shopping At A Market

Most cities and towns have a holiday market where you can buy handmade goods and holiday food. Visiting your local holiday market gives you a final opportunity to purchase any gifts and spend some time walking around with your loved one. Of course, these markets may not be around for a long time, so you may only have a single weekend to enjoy the experience with your partner.

If you don’t have a holiday market in your town, consider looking in markets nearby, and you and your partner can enjoy a ride to a new place together or even get a hotel and spend the night.

Couple taking a selfie while holding up homemade Christmas cookies

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Bake Cookies

If you’re on a diet, the holidays are typically when you start adding more cheat days because of all the delicious food. Of course, no holiday is complete without dessert; everyone enjoys baking and eating cookies because they’re easy, and you can decorate sugar cookies in any way you like. Even if your partner doesn’t enjoy baking, they’ll enjoy baking with you, especially if you let them do all the decorations themselves.


Whether you’re decorating the tree or preparing for family gatherings, decorating with your loved one can be a fun experience. Decorating your house is typically one of the first things people do around the holidays, and it’s an enjoyable activity for couples. You can make your own ornaments or start your own tradition of decorating the tree together.

Go For A Holiday Drive Or Walk

Depending on where you live, the holiday season can be too cold to walk around the neighborhood to look at lights. However, you can go for a holiday tour in your car and look at all the best light displays in your neighborhood together. Everyone loves holiday lights, and you may know some neighbors who go above and beyond to create a holiday scene with lights that go off to music or extravagantly designed yards that offer the perfect photo opportunity. Whatever you decide, everyone enjoys looking at the lights, and this simple date idea is affordable and allows you to spend quality time with your partner.

Movie Night

Movie night is one of the best parts of the holidays, especially for couples. You can do regular movie nights for the entire month of December or binge-watch all your favorite holiday movies in a single night with your partner. Of course, depending on the mood you want to set for your movie night, you may have to separate your movie nights between comedies, holiday horror, and romantic movies.

Wrap Gifts

Person holding a wrapped Christmas gift in front of an out-of-focus lit Christmas tree

Depending on the seriousness of your relationship, you might be splitting your holidays between both your families, which means you have tons of gifts to wrap. One fun activity you can do with your partner is to show off your wrapping skills. While wrapping presents may seem like a chore, it’s more enjoyable with your partner, and you can do other things while wrapping to make it more of a date night. For example, you can wrap presents during your movie marathon night or while drinking hot cocoa by a fire.

Final Thoughts

The activities you do with your loved one depend on the types of activities you love doing as a couple. For example, not all couples want to spend time ice skating in the freezing cold. Instead, these couples would love a movie night or a night together. Meanwhile, others may choose to get away from the holiday stress by renting a cabin together where they can focus on each other. Whatever you choose to do, make this year’s holiday something to remember.

About The Author
Megan Isola holds a Bachelor of Science in Hospitality and a minor in Business Marketing from Cal State University Chico. She enjoys going to concerts, trying new restaurants, and hanging out with friends.
Featured Image & Gift Image: Supplied by the author
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