Weekly Round Up #5 – Dieting with Calendars, tracking time watching cats and spending a penny

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Hello again. Congratulations, you’ve made it through another week! As January draws to a close I hope the bad weather isn’t affecting you too much – apparently the snow on the East Coast of the U.S hasn’t been nearly as bad as was forecast and here in the U.K they’ve been threatening my area with snow for the past 2 months and today we had some for the first time, all 0.2cm of it!

Anyway, here’s my weekly round up of things I’ve found around the internet for you to have a peruse of over the weekend, and if you like this sign up for my newsletter. The first issue will go out over the next few days and not only will you get a free copy of my “Managing Meetings ebook” for signing up, you’ll also get exclusive access to my next ebook about managing your email – woohoo!

How To Use Google Calendar As A Visual Motivational Tool – Mashable

Earlier in the month I wrote about how you can be productive with a simple calendar but calendars don’t have to be just for keeping track of appointments, you can use them as a tool to motivate yourself to get even the most annoying tasks (i.e housework) done, or keep track of your progress on a task (i.e diet) to motivate you further. I use my Google Calendar as an editorial calendar so I can keep track of what I’m supposed to be writing and when it’s due (if you’re interested in how I do this, give me a shout in the comments).

Native Asana app for Android now available – Android Community

Finally there’s a native Asana App available for Android rather than just a re-packaged web version. If you’re a member of a team then you should take a look at Asana and what it can do, it helps you organise your team and your projects without the need for email (yeay!)

5 Ways to be productive especially, when you’re not – The Self Employed

Some days we really just don’t feel like doing anything, and who can blame us to be honest! If you’re in a bit of a productivity funk but need to get your backside in gear and do some “proper” work check out the article from “The Self Employed” which has a few ideas to kickstart your productive streak.

The Link Between Clutter and Depression – House Logic

I’ve never really believed in the “Tidy Desk, tidy mind” scenario. In fact I think that if people are too tidy they may be a little bit neurotic (sorry Dad!). Don’t get me wrong, I like things to be tidy (each thing in its place and all that) but I don’t think things need to be tidy all the time, they can be messy while you’re working on things or can be left until later if something a bit more important comes along (like a new episode of Real Housewives). Apparently though, chronic clutter could be a sign of depression so perhaps it’s time to have a bit of a pre-spring spring clean?

Clearing Out Clutter Is Good For You — But Why? – Mashable

Sticking with the clutter, Mashable gives us some good tips to de-clutter. So if you want to get rid of a few bits and bobs check out the article for some advice.

Is Social Media Sucking Your Time? Get More Done With These Tips – Mashable

I don’t know about you, but if I open up Tumblr that’s me gone for a few hours staring at Cat GIFs rather than doing anything productive. Mashable suggests having a purpose when looking at social media rather than just the usual bimbling about we tend to do.

If you’re keen to know how much time you’re spending looking at cats rather than working on those very important TPS reports and you’re running Google Chrome, check out the free TimeStats extension which gives you a useful breakdown of how you’re spending your time on the web (I just checked and my most visited website isn’t cat GIFS or Facebook, yeay me!)

Flush Toilet Finder Quickly Locates a Public Restroom Wherever You Are – Lifehacker

Finally, if you’re out and about this weekend you don’t need to be caught short. Flush is a new App that pinpoints the nearest public toilets for you to use. There are over 100,000 loos on the free Android and IOS App and, as more and more public toilets are being shut in the U.K, this may be helpful especially if you have children (or have drunk too many skinny lattes… or beers).

Have a great weekend

Don’t forget to sign up for my newsletter to get your free “Managing Meetings ebook, and to get exclusive access to my next ebook about managing email.

About The Author
Katy is always trying to be more productive one day at a time! Whether it's analogue, digital, motivational or psychological who'll try any system that will help her get things done and get organised. As well as running FlippingHeck.com, she also loves making music and reviewing things.
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